View Full Version : mics for wedding

Dylan Couper
February 17th, 2003, 09:34 PM
OK, I have a couple choices for mics for the wedding I'm shooting this weekend.

First off, I can go out and buy a band new lav mic. I'm open to this option, as long as I can get a decent one at a reasonably low price. I'm thinking less than $200 for a good quality mic and transmitter. Can someone give me some suggestions for this option?

Choice number two, is to rent one. This is the place I will be renting from If you could take a look at their wireless choices and let me know what you think would best suit my needs. The prices are in Canadian, but I will have to pay 1.5x the price for a weekend rental. As you can see, if I can get a decent low priced system, I might as well buy my own.


Jeff Donald
February 17th, 2003, 09:55 PM
I would rent (have your girlfriend pick up the tab, she volunteered you) either the Lectrosonics (it's what I use) or the Sony (it's what I used when I worked in broadcast). Take the difference between the rental and the cheap wireless ($140) and save up for a good set. That way Keith won't have to rent a set when he does your wedding.

Dylan Couper
February 18th, 2003, 02:17 AM
Thanks Jeff
I can't make her pay for it outright, but I just bought a matte box on her credit card. :)

Will I need anything else to go with either of those mics, or will the reciever end of them just plug into a Beachtek XLR adapter?


PS, what do either of those mics cost to buy new?

Ken Tanaka
February 18th, 2003, 02:25 AM
Well, a Lectro UCRUH100 UHF system will run you around $1,500. I think the Sony will run around $1,000.

Jeff Donald
February 18th, 2003, 06:48 AM
The receivers should have XLR out (they both require special cables, so make sure they're included) so you should be OK. Double check with the rental house to be sure. Then just connect to your Beachtek unit.

Don Palomaki
February 18th, 2003, 06:53 AM
Not much in the U$200 price range. And quality will be hard to find at that price point. A number of folks who do weddings use the Azden and Samson wireless mics. They are moderately priced and adequate for wedding sound, if not for serious "broadcast quality" production work

Consider geting a diversity receiver for higher immunity to dropouts as the camera or wired person moves around. Multiple frequencies are good for avoiding external interference.

As a minimal system, check the Azden VHF models; e.g.., WDR-Pro receiver (under U$200) and corresponding wireless mic (under U$100) .