View Full Version : Chart Downloads

Warren Shultz
July 4th, 2006, 11:34 AM
Hi Jonathan,

I think I recall someone asking about downloading the charts George was showing but which we could never really see. I'd like to see a pdf download available that would make it possible for us to follow along better or refer to later.



Warren Shultz
July 4th, 2006, 11:53 AM
I went back to see "part two" and I see it's been recut and shows many more chart inserts. It would still be great to download the reference file. The GSD reference chart.

Paolo Ciccone
July 4th, 2006, 12:53 PM
I went back to see "part two" and I see it's been recut and shows many more chart inserts. It would still be great to download the reference file. The GSD reference chart.
Hey Warren, good idea.
I have the Photoshop version, I'll convert it to PDF and post it.

Paolo Ciccone
July 4th, 2006, 12:57 PM
The George Dibie chart is online. I posted it temporarily on the CruiserCast site, Jonathan, when you have a minute, it would be great if you can download it and post it on 2nd Unit.
Here it is:

It's in PDF so you don't need to have or load Photoshop.

Warren Shultz
July 4th, 2006, 02:21 PM
Thanks Paolo, way to jump on it!

Jonathan Ames
July 4th, 2006, 04:46 PM
Thanks for that, Paolo. I'd a been there for ya buddy but I've been working my fingers to the bone shooting Laura Renee in a bikini all morning to add to this week's piece on filters. She was the young actress in Part 2 of the George Dibie interview. We tossed her in the pool after we shot some segements around the spa and backyard to help illustrate filter effects. It's a tough job but someone has to do it. Hope you like the segment tomorrow.

Joyce Mahoney
July 4th, 2006, 05:27 PM
OK J, we're calling foul here. We don't mind you editing our work but fair is fair. If you're putting a gorgeous girl in there, we want equal beefcake time with one of your LAPD or Fire buddies! ;-)

Paolo Ciccone
July 4th, 2006, 05:54 PM
Thanks for that, Paolo. I'd a been there for ya buddy but I've been working my fingers to the bone shooting Laura Renee in a bikini all morning
Oh, poor you. I'm glad you are there to sacrifice for the good of all of us ;)
We are not worthy, we are not worthy

Warren Shultz
July 4th, 2006, 09:48 PM
Okay, Paolo, now that we have the chart, I'm wondering if you caught some of the distinctions I'm wondering about. On the chart we see the Cross Keys, the DB Square, and the DB "X". I'm trying to determing if these three are different descriptions of essentially the same shot or what the differences are. If I go by the shadows, it seems to represent cross keys with different placements affecting the shadows thrown. For example, the DB square shows the shadows directed more at the closer actors--almost like a kicker while on the X, they affect the farther actor more like a cross key. I wonder if George could elaborate on this. Might as well take advantage of having questions answered while he's available!
