View Full Version : Need some advice

Scott Di Lalla
July 16th, 2006, 11:41 PM
This week I am off to do a behind the scenes/making of type of shoot. All I have to do is shoot some interviews and hand the tapes in. I won't have a chance to view it myself so I was wondering what is the best and safest preset for this type of shoot. I want to make sure their editor gets footage that is not only flexible but still looks good. I prefer to be on the safe side and not have the blacks too crushed or the light areas too washed out.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Greg Bartlett
July 17th, 2006, 08:15 PM
I've only owned an Xl2 for a short period of time. However, I've gotten lots of good run-and-gun out of the following preset @24P both indoors and out:

Gamma......... Cine
Knee............ Low
Black............ Stretch
Color Matrix... Cine
Color Gain..... +2
Color Phase... -2
R,G, & B Gain. 0
Detail........... Normal
Sharpness..... -2 to 0
Coring.......... +4
Setup Level... 0
Master Ped.... -1
NR............... Middle

Are you setting up a light kit for your interviews?



Scott Di Lalla
July 17th, 2006, 08:49 PM
greg, thanks for your reply. This will be an EMI for a feature but I was asked to shoot it last minute. Most of it was don't by someone else so I am coming in to do a few more pick-up shots. The shoot is tomorrow and I still don't have the details so I am planning for the worst. I will be flying to NC, so I am not going to bring a lot. I plan to do the interviews in natural light so I don't have to worry about lighting it and since it's an EMI I guess I will shoot in 60i 4:3?