View Full Version : H1 SDI Audio/Timecode Missing..

John Richard
October 12th, 2006, 07:46 AM
Whatever became of the results of the poll and discussion of the potential for upgrading the H1 to embed the missing audio and timecode within the SDI stream?

Since the little brother cam coming this month has this capacity it would seem that big brother would be able to put out the same SDI.

There is a Miranda box that does this (about $2,000) for those who need it now.

Was just wondering why this topic just disappeared as there were many interested. When reasonable/portable HD-SDI capture devices come out these missing components in the SDI stream will be supremely important.

Mark Job
October 12th, 2006, 04:44 PM
Hi John:
Yes, this shocked me and stopped me dead in my purchasing tracks. I need this feature for my SD post edit suite. I am holding out now for either the approaching XL H1 "S" update model, or I'll buy the Miranda box with a reduced price XL H1 camera. I looked at the $7,000.00 fixed lens model and liked what I saw, but I really need to have the option to change the glass. With a camera like the XL H1, you should be able to see a measureable difference with a P+S Technique converter and a high end Nikon or Panavision lens on it.

John Richard
October 13th, 2006, 12:49 PM
Chris... bump ... poll results/any comments from Canon... pipe dreamin' on our part?

Marty Hudzik
October 13th, 2006, 02:45 PM
From a reliable source:

This is not a software issue that can be addressed via a flash. There is a chip physically located inside the cameras that is responsible for this process. The H1 does not have this chip so it is impossible to implement this. It is unlikely that Canon would ever be willing to physically "MOD" existing H1s with this chip, even if it were possible. It is just too big of a hassle.

I would not count on this option at all.
