View Full Version : Hear the Steadyshot working

Tom Hardwick
March 24th, 2003, 06:11 AM
If you don a pair of headphones and flip the VX2k into the record mode you can monitor what the in-built mics are picking up, right? Of course there'll always be a small amount of tape deck noise that inevitably finds its way onto the soundtrack, but have you noticed how noisy the Steadyshot is?

It's easy to hear it working. Open the menu up and toggle the Steadyshot on and off while you listen in a quiet room, hand holding the camera as steady as you can. Then put the VX down on a table or tripod it and hear how much quieter it becomes, and more importantly, how much quieter the sound track becomes when the Steadyshot stops working. Move the camera slightly and up comes the graunching noises.

I tried the same test with my Sennheisser MKE300 microphone fitted to the shoe and the Steadyshot noise becomes quite unacceptable. It's been a surprise to me as I've not heard (!) it mentioned here before.


Mike Rehmus
March 24th, 2003, 10:59 AM
Either this is a problem in the forum software and has been reposted because of a bug or it has been reposted. The subject has been answered and discussed as best as could be at the time so I'm going to assume this post is an anomaly and close it off. That way any further postings will be located in a single spot.

If you wish to post about this issue, look down to the mid-March postings to find Tom's original and identical post.