View Full Version : Import prproj?

Gene Crucean
November 24th, 2006, 01:09 PM
Is there anyway to import/convert a premiere pro 2 project file to vegas 7b?

Has anyone written an importer for that?


Edward Troxel
November 24th, 2006, 08:50 PM
Not directly. However, you could try AAF files.

Douglas Turner
May 2nd, 2007, 11:42 PM
No news on this yet? I've checked the website, and no mention of anything there for .pproj to .veg.

I would have thought it would be a relatively simple task of understanding the format of the .pproj file and converting into the equivalent .veg file (OK, so effects, settings etc would be tricky - but at least footage in the project and the timeline sequences shouldn't be THAT hard).

Maybe someone geekier than me has some spare time and will look into it! ;0

Start off by creating a small, identical project in Vegas and Premiere and comparing the contents of the project files... and then the hard part.