View Full Version : YOur Opinions welcome

Michael Russell
December 11th, 2006, 06:57 PM
I am having audio trouble with My XL2 (see "Can you hear me now" under that thread.) So looks like a good time to upgrade to HDV. I am looking at the HD250, only because many "in the know's" tell me it is the way to go.

Please tell me if you think this is a good buy or too much camera.
-Shoot primarily for the web but do some DVD's.
-Edit on FCP 5.0. Do I need a new video card on m dual g5?
-I will have to use the camera as a playbacl/digitizing deck until I can get another HD deck.
-I shoot with another camera that is not HD (surgery stuff) can I mix them.
IN other words the Canon or the HD250 is my interview camera and wide shot the other camera is a specialized overhead cam.

Many thanks as I always appreciate your help and do my best to contribute when I feel worthy.


Shaun Wilson
December 11th, 2006, 07:19 PM
Unless you really need HD-SDI out you're probably better off going for the HD200, it's a lot cheaper and for most videographers it'll do exactly the same job. And if you're not really needing 50p and can deal with just 25p you could even go a HD110 and go even cheaper. You'll want to factor in the cost of a pro battery kit if you go for a HD110 tho, the standard batteries just aren't powerful enough.

In any case one of these JVC cams will make you very happy. I moved from a XL1s to a HD101 and have no regrets. I'm actually shooting most stuff in SD not HD and it works great in that regard (in fact thanks to Avid being slack I've done very little in HD so can't really comment on how good it is in terms of HD, but apparently it's fantastic).

Will be fine as a deck.

Werner Wesp
December 12th, 2006, 02:02 AM
Indeed, I've had my XL2 for 2 weeks and I sold it to get the JVC. ever looked back either... You'll like the form-factor: it is shouldermounted as the XL2, but this one is actually balanced :-) . The images are remarkebly better (not only in HD in my opinion)....