View Full Version : UWOL#1 Home to roost by Mat Thompson

Mat Thompson
January 25th, 2007, 01:05 PM
Hey guys

Well I've just got back from a boarding trip and WOW...a fantastic number of entries. I've just moved apartment and at the moment, no ADSL so I haven't started looking at everyones entries....Rest assured I certainly will and I'll throw some feedback up where I see fit.

My film.....well it was a little rushed unfortunately because I was going away to find some snow. Looking at it now I think it could be editing to about 1.45/2.00 mins and sit a lot better at that length. It's also a shame that at the resolution I had to use the Starlings were not a effective. Full size it looks better....maybe I'll try and throw something of high resolution together when I get some time

Oh and sorry about the audio bug at the end....I really don't know what happend but I will lay the audio track down again and put a 'clean' file up soon!

Well.....let rip people !!!!?????? :)

Geir Inge
January 26th, 2007, 01:39 AM
Hi Mat.
You paint some beautiful patterns on the sky. Is it Blackbirds? Nice music and I liked the story, standing there in the wildernes, looking at the birds, flying like a wave on the sky. There where some disturbingly noice in the end, or was it ment to be?

Dale Guthormsen
January 26th, 2007, 06:21 PM

I actually enjoyed watching the starlings. Starlings flying patterns like that is actually a defense mechanism against predators. I see black birds perform the same feats every time a Merlin falcon goes making a shot at them.

I think they create arial art and you did a pretty nice job capturing them. I am sure in normal resolution it would be much more impressive. In high resolution it might make a great screen saver!!

Thanks for sharing!!

Per Johan Naesje
January 27th, 2007, 03:32 AM
Mat, amazing to watch those patterns the starlings make in the sky. I would love to view it uncompressed!

The sunset shoot was also very pleasent to watch

Keep up your good work Mat

Brendan Marnell
January 27th, 2007, 02:20 PM
A festival of swirling and music that developed into a delightful skydance.

Can't help contrasting your video with Randy Allen's and proposing a perpetual toast to human diversity. Cheers Mat and many happy challenges ahead.