View Full Version : Snapshot questions!

Donald Blake
January 31st, 2007, 11:39 PM
Hey everyone!

I know alot of questions have been posted about this, but i have'nt found an answer...

-I'm working with an M2T file, how do i save a snapshot in HD format (higher than 480x270)?

-I've set the preview to best and full but i still don't get the same output size.

-Also when i save a snapshot of any kind, why don't i get it to look exactly like the original file itself? the colors are faded a bit.


Edward Troxel
February 1st, 2007, 08:36 AM
If you change the preview mode to Best (Full), you should get an image that is the full size adjusted for non-square pixels. If you do a "snapshot to clipboard" and then paste that into your photo program, you should get an image that is full size NOT adjusted for non-square pixels. Of course, this is also based on your PROJECT settings (i.e. is your project, under File - Properties, set to be an HD project?)

Donald Blake
February 1st, 2007, 09:11 AM
My preview settings were already to best and full but my POJECT settings were'nt set to HD 1920x1080... beginers error i guess! i've tried both methods "save snapshot to file" and "copy snapshot to clipboard" both come out now at 1920x1080

Would you know why the colors are faded out? When i render it out the colors come out bright and perfect but with a snapshot they are dull and faded.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
February 1st, 2007, 09:24 AM
It's you.
Project settings must be at one of the HD1080 templates.
Set Preview settings to best/full.
Select either Save Snapshot to Clipboard or Save Snapshot to File.

That's it.
If you're not getting the fullsize frame, I'd suggest that you have something odd going on with your graphics program. Hundreds of HD images have been posted here on, grabbed using exactly the above method.

Donald Blake
February 1st, 2007, 09:27 AM
You too are totally right Douglas... my mistake.

but that damn color problem still bugs me!