View Full Version : Site with short tutorial for Noise Reduction plug-in

Charley Gallagher
March 18th, 2007, 08:01 AM
I haven't used the Noise Reduction Plug-in in over two years. Now that I need it I am trying to find a specific short tutorial I had on making the noise print and making the adjustments.

ANY tutorial would probably due just to take the hum out of one audio track and let me get on with my project.

Any help would be appreciated.

Steve Leverich
March 18th, 2007, 01:34 PM
Charley, I started to answer this earlier but wasn't sure if you're wanting to use the NR plug within Vegas or in Sound forge - if in sound forge, it's relatively simple but with one hidden function to be aware of - I'd not used the NR plug within Vegas yet so decided to try - it's nowhere NEAR as easy or useful as near as I can tell.

Which program will you be using NR inside? Steve