View Full Version : Easy way to view HDV footage on HD TV

Nihal Jayasinghe
April 26th, 2007, 02:33 AM

I have just moved to HDV(Canon HV20) from SD(Panasonic GS400 IMHO the
best SD camcorder), as I have found a very easy way to show HD footage on
HD TV without a Blu-Ray or HD-DVD burner.

1. Capture HDV footage with Ulead Video Studio 10.

2. Edit captured HDV/Mpeg2 footage directly in ULVS10.

3. Save edited HDV/Mpeg2 footage without re-rendering in ULVS10.

4. Burn or copy HDV/Mpeg2 file/files to normal DVD-R or DVD-RW or DVD+R or
DVD+RW or DVD+DL or SD card.

5. Load the DVD or SD card to Sony Playstation 3 and view the great
HD footage in its full glory.

Tom Roper
April 26th, 2007, 07:09 AM
Makes you wonder why they could not have offered the same functionality in the standalone Blu-Ray dvd players, to be able to play HDV off red label disks, because then you'd have another HD distribution format.

John Conway
May 14th, 2007, 02:29 PM
Has anyone tried this with Vegas or PP 2.0?


Kevin Shaw
June 1st, 2007, 09:53 AM
Has anyone tried this with Vegas or PP 2.0?

It works from Edius using Procoder Express to render out to standard HDV format, then put that on an external USB2 hard drive and connect that to the PS3. You have to put the HDV file in a folder named "video" and it looks like the PS3 prefers small drives formatted to FAT32 rather than NTFS, plus you may need to update the PS3 firmware. Once you get it working, the video looks great.