View Full Version : Green Pixels - OutTakes

Brent Graham
May 12th, 2007, 09:57 AM
I've posted an outtakes reel...

I hope all who watch enjoy...

Thanks to Dylan for this contest.


Hugh DiMauro
May 13th, 2007, 01:04 AM
This is more fun than watching "Insomniac Theatre"!

I loved your outtakes! That dog walking into the shot, turning and wagging his tail was a riot. Instead of having used a real, heavy TV, why not have borrowed one of those furniture store phony TV props? Your back must be hurting. I was exhausted just watching you heft that thing all over creation. You and your brother looked like you had a blast making this movie.

Hey, by the way, who’s the surfer? Believe it nor not, back in my day (I sound like an old timer, don't I?) I used to use a purple, seven foot, Bing Austrailian V Bottom and we had some decent waves on the Jersey Shore. Especially just before a good storm.

Brent Graham
May 13th, 2007, 05:52 PM

Haha, seriously, I called all over trying to borrow a prop go. Everyone either said no or told me where I could go to buy one. Those prop tvs aren't cheap! It was like $100+ for a decent size fakey!

My roomie is the "surfer", mainly he keeps the board 'cuz the girls like it ;)

Glad you liked the outtakes, I wasn't sure if it was like an inside joke seeing as how this is my first outtakes reel!

Haha, later.

Hugh DiMauro
May 13th, 2007, 09:07 PM
I appreciate you taking the time to assemble, cut and post your outtakes reel. These little extras make the challenges fun.