View Full Version : HV20 and Print to Video or Edit to Tape?

Josh Reiss
May 19th, 2007, 04:12 PM
Has anyone figured out the workflow for final cut pro and getting video back out to tape using

"print to video"
"edit to tape"

with "edit to tape" I get an "unable to initialize" error where it tells me to check the audio/video settings.

with "print to video"
I'm using the record/pause function from page 71 of the manual, but the hv20 doesn't see to see a signal. Also the playback on the mac is interesting. it's in the middle of the screen, and not showing the full resolution..

basically I'm just trying to dub an hdv tape.

Joren Clark
May 19th, 2007, 04:49 PM
I have problems with device control on my hv20 in HDV mode in FCPv5. I never upgraded to 5.1 (so I may be totally irrelevant). I'm assuming the latest version of Final Cut Studio just release will fix this issue. It might be a total pain, but have you considered exporting via iMovie HD? That's how I'm doing it as I wait for my copy of FCS2 to arrive.

Hal Snook
May 20th, 2007, 02:08 PM
Josh, I don't know if you solved your problem yet, but try checking your A/V device settings. Go to Final Cut Pro:Audio/Video Settings, click on the A/V Devices tab, check "Different Ouptut for Edit to Tape/Print to Video" and choose HDV. I always leave Mirror on desktop unchecked, but I have a pretty slow computer, so that helps prevent dropped frames.

Oh, and use "Print to Video," not "Edit to Tape."