View Full Version : Friends of the Earth: Green film competition

Grant Sherman
June 12th, 2007, 09:25 AM
I just got this from Wildeye and thought I'd repost it here:

"Friends of the Earth green film competition in association with Filminute®

Make a film of exactly 60 seconds which explores how we look after our planet and use it like there is a tomorrow.

You do not have to be a UK-resident to enter. The competition is open to anyone on the planet earth however some of the prizes are London based."

The closing date is 20th August 2007.

Per Johan Naesje
June 13th, 2007, 09:52 AM
Grant, I got the same email from Wildeye.
I definitive think about joining this. Have to figure out something first?

To make a 60 sec film is not the easiest way of filmmaking. You need a very strict script and the edit process will be the most difficult part I think.

Mat Thompson
June 13th, 2007, 11:10 AM
I've been pondering this one as well fellas.

I have to say the 'theme' is very oddly written

"Make a film of exactly 60 seconds which explores how we look after our planet and use it like there is a tomorrow."

Does this mean the things we do positively that are green ? I have to say I'm still a little confused about what its asking for ???