View Full Version : Need help finishing Business Plan and Executive Summary

Jerrod Francis
June 15th, 2007, 08:35 PM
I need some guidance in finishing a business plan and executive summary. My current employer is expanding into marketing and media and I have an opportunity to present a business plan to my current place of employment in hopes of a partnership.

On the side, I am starting a web magazine in streaming/podcast format that I would like to pitch to my employer, also in hopes of gaining a partnership to help make the idea/concept into reality.

I'm down to the projections and management portion of my business plan and I will need an executive summary to bring the whole plan together. I've hit sort of a brick wall when it comes to projections. I want to be realistic with projections as this is a start up but already have contracts in the works and some (albeit, some small income generated).

Currently I'm developing a short form business plan, just to get this plan on paper where I will be able to present to any interested parties and lenders.

I hope this is clear and understandable. Please feel free to post questions where I'm unclear or need clarification.

Jerrod Francis
June 17th, 2007, 02:34 AM
No suggestions or replies?

Would it help to post my Business Plan for the member's scrutiny?

Denis Danatzko
June 17th, 2007, 08:33 AM
It's called LLCmaker. If I recall, the price was about $ 60 for a download.

Natalie Ferguson
June 17th, 2007, 08:33 PM
We've just launched a business plan tool that helps make this process easy. Feel free to sign up for the free trial at and tell us how it goes :)

Reid Bailey
June 18th, 2007, 11:33 AM
I'm in the midst of writing my own plan, so I don't know how much help I could offer, but I'd be willing to look at yours.

rbailey (at) baileyfilms (dot) com

I just jumped over to the site with the business plan tool so I'll let you know my thoughts on that...

Just remembered, you might want to contact your local Score office and see if they can be any help

Jerrod Francis
June 18th, 2007, 02:17 PM
I've looked into several business plan making software but it's something I've already started without the aid of 3rd party programs.

If anyone else is interested we can correspond by email and I can send my business plan for them to look at.

Denis Danatzko
June 19th, 2007, 12:06 PM
Just remembered, you might want to contact your local Score office and see if they can be any help

that they are not always "in the office", are not always available, may/may not have access to e-mail, and don't really "owe" you anything.

Using e-mail, I got in contact with a volunteer whose credentials seemed impressive, but their response, (which came about a week later), left me feeling "out in the cold." (I don't recall a phone number being provided, but I'm certain we never spoke on the phone). My sense was that my volunteer wanted involvement in things larger than "one-person shops." That's why I ended up buying the software. Hoping your experience is better than mine.