View Full Version : AspectHD v5 and CS3 in vista.

Brandon Miletta
July 20th, 2007, 12:28 PM
I have had this EXACT same issue before, all the way back when windows vista was in beta, and with version 3.x of AspectHD in Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5.1 and on a completely different computer and the only fix was to revert back to XP.

However I just purchased a new computer with vista pre-installed. I thought "Hey vista has been out a good amount of time now so it should be working great!" I was wrong.

The issue:
After making only a few small edits to ANY footage (including bars and tones) in an AspectHD project, when you hit "play" it simply just skips to the end and doesn't play back your project. This does not happen in any non-aspectHD projects.

This problem has been there for a long amount of time, and it doesn't appear to be an error with my computer, as it happens to both and I have done everything to find that this is absolutley an AspectHD issue.

I want to upgrade to CS3 and the newest version of AspecHD (I currently own 3.4, and was on a trial for 5.0)

Anyone know of a fix? I am a long time AspectHD user and I feel like I have been ignored by cineform about this issue. Thanks

Michael DAmbrose
July 20th, 2007, 07:52 PM
If I start a new project it sometimes fixes it for a while. I have Vista and recently bought Aspect and the CS3 suite upgrade.

David, will there be an update coming soon to address this and the other Vista issues?


David Newman
July 20th, 2007, 08:18 PM
Normally we can find the cause, but you will need to go through support. Sometimes is it simple as reducing to number of buffers used for playback (in the Playback settings control.)

David Newman
July 20th, 2007, 08:21 PM
Yes there are always builds in the works, but the only Vista issues now are the COM Surgate errors with thumbnail view in windows explorer.

Brandon Miletta
July 20th, 2007, 10:03 PM
Thanks David, I will try the playback buffer idea.

Michael DAmbrose
July 21st, 2007, 04:47 AM
No success changing the settings. Brought it down to min. I will try to call when I can, but if anyone knows the solution, please post it here.


Michael DAmbrose
July 22nd, 2007, 07:00 AM
Ticket opened.

But while waiting on that...
I wonder if this has to do with having both Premiere 2.0 and Premiere CS3 on my machine. I say this because if I uninstall Aspect, then uninstall PP 2.0, I get an error reinstalling Aspect -- something to do with the Premiere Plugins not registering. My only way out of that problem is to system restore to previous day (before uninstall of PP 2.0).

Here is my install sequence over past few weeks (Time consuming).
1) Install Vista Business on a clean Hard drive
2) Install Install premiere 2.0 (while waiting for CS3 suite)
3) Install Aspect
4) Uninstall Aspect
5) Install CS3
6) Install Aspect

David Newman
July 22nd, 2007, 09:38 AM
Quite possible the uninstalls and reinstalls have mess up a component or two within Aspect HD. Support will have suggestions, however they will need information like, will a timeline fail to play with color bars only, or does it fail with one or many video clips?

Michael DAmbrose
July 23rd, 2007, 03:09 PM
New project with Bars and tones plays and I can lenghten it and it plays. I then add a single captured clip, and it still plays until I shorten the single clip, then it jumps to end past the bars, past the shortened clip.

Michael DAmbrose
July 27th, 2007, 10:34 AM
I am working with Jake on the ticket, but still no success. Is anyone else using Vista, CS3 and AspectHD for 24P?

Jake is working on it, but since I am not the only customer, it is taking time ;).


Brandon Miletta
July 27th, 2007, 11:42 AM
Well I uninstalled everything, and then reverted back to premiere pro 1.5.1 and installed aspect HD 3.x (whatever the latest version of that is) and still have the same problem. Even with bars and tone.

Seems like if I split some footage and move it further on the time line, and when there is a gap between them if I hit play on the left-most clip it will just jump to the end, but if I hit play on the right most clip it will play from that point on. If I make any change though to that clip then it doesn't work.

Are you guys working on this problem? Or not at the moment or what??

David Warren
July 30th, 2007, 11:03 PM
im having the exact same issue. vista ultimate x64, aspect hd latest trial, premiere pro cs3.. all i did was try to cut together the video from the clip and the audio from another. no transitions or anything.. small clips.. very very annoying. right now im exporting the clips as m2t files (cineform m2t didnt even work i have to use the adobe compressor and custom settings).. since im not doing any transitions or anything it should be fine but basically cineform is useless to me right now. good thing i havnt bought it yet.. i had done a lot of editing on it before without any major issues besides audio sync durring editing really.. hopefully this all gets worked out..

Michael DAmbrose
July 31st, 2007, 07:55 AM
Yes, This combination of software Vista, CS3 and Aspect is a non-working partnership. I am in a holding pattern waiting. Fortunately, I don't do editing for a living. But it does take a lot of patience given the cost of this product.


David Newman
July 31st, 2007, 09:16 AM
Good news is on its way regarding Vista issues. Give us a couple more days.

Michael DAmbrose
August 1st, 2007, 06:18 PM
I gave it a quick test and it works.. see post:

Will Thompson
August 12th, 2007, 12:46 PM
Hey - I thought I might try and wake up this post. I've been searching for a solution, but no dice. Still waiting to hear back from Cineform support.

Here's my story: I've had this problem intermittantly with multiple versions of Premiere and multiple versions of AspectHD. It's always bugged me, but my temp solution was to "juggle" some of the clips around, copy to a new sequence, etc. - nothing that makes any real sense, but sometimes it will let me play back from the timeline.

I've recently installed PPro CS3 and AspectHD 5.05 (on XP) because I will be receiving all of our color-corrected and audio-mixed clips back from guys working with those demo versions. I sent them a trimmed version of the project, and they called to complain that EVERY CLIP AND EVERY SEQUENCE DOES THIS (skipping to the end on "play"). This is a PPro1.5/AHD3.3 project that has been opened and succesfully saved in PProCS3/AHD5.05. I installed the demos here and am having the same problem.

Playing back from the timeline (spacebar) skips to the end of the sequence. Rendering the timeline (enter) skips to the end of the work area. AND playing back a single clip in the preview monitor skips to the end of the out point!

This problem has always existed in some form or other over the past 4 years of editing this documentary. Now it seems that opening it in CS3 has exaserbated it such that in exists in EVERY clip and sequence.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? On a side note - possibly related, possibly not - some clips on the timeline show up as "media offline" even though they are not offline in the project manager window.

I'm wrapping up 4 years of work on a documentary that will finally find an audience - I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions. As always, quickly approaching a deadline. Thanks in advance guys.

David Newman
August 12th, 2007, 10:22 PM
One suggestion, when thing are working, never upgrade software mid-project no matter who the software comes from, Adobe or CineForm. These thread is for a Vista issue that has been fixed, XP is normally pretty solid, so this sounds like you have a bad install, re-install, and if that doesn't work contact support.

Will Thompson
August 12th, 2007, 10:58 PM

Yeah, I understand that one should normally avoid upgrading mid-project; however, this is for a documentary that we've been editing for about four years now. Adobe doesn't even support their products for that long, so we'd be screwed even if we did stay in 1.5 (fyi, we started in 1.0 of both Premiere and Aspect, back when it was $1k). And we all know Adobe doesn't issue bug-fixes, or at least they're called the-next-version. So if I had stayed in 1.5 as you suggest, I still have major bugs, they just fall on deaf ears. Quite a catch-22.

The "skips to end" bug has been around in some form since 1.0, always more likely on big timelines, but it's never been as persistent as it is now. The problem is definitely not directly related to Vista, though. I sent an email in to support with my info.

Any thoughts on "media offline" problem anyone? Probably not Cineform related, but I found some posts about it elsewhere, just no solutions. I have a feeling I'm going to be on the phone with Adobe for a while tomorrow.

Thanks again.

Will Thompson
August 15th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Update: still nothing on the "skips" problem for me, but I've had success in solving the "media offline" problem...

My 1.5 project was imported into a CS3 project. Shows "media offline" on the timeline, but the clip is listed as ONLINE and plays in the source monitor.

For each offline-but-not-really-offline clip, right click and 'reveal in project'. Right click again and use Replace > from Bin. This has sucessfully and permenantly relinked those clips.

Must be something with the project files that loses the connection with some clips on import. Perhaps a thorough inspection of the project XML would reveal the problem. I hope this helps.