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Derek Weiss April 17th, 2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rick Baumhauer (Post 662034)
Looks like Elecard have raised (doubled!) the price on the AVC Plugin, so the Elecard portion of this workflow is now $70 instead of $50.

Do you think they saw this thread?

I can't get my system to work, so I guess it's back to Nero and long decoding times.

Derek Weiss April 18th, 2007 08:11 AM

One more question..............

When you drag your avchd file into GraphEdit, does it give you the "Some of the streams in this movie are in an unsupported format"?

Still trying to trouble shoot this.

Rick Baumhauer April 18th, 2007 08:26 AM

Derek - yes, I did get that error in the process of trying to get things working. I ended up manually unregistering one of the files that comes with GraphEdit, mpeg2parser.ax, as it came up as a codec that seems to cause problems for some people. I was pointed toward that file when some of my AVCHD files wouldn't play, and dragging them onto GraphEdit produced only a two-entry graph, dead-ending at something it was calling the "Ligos MPEG Decoder", or something like that. Googling Ligos turned up mpeg2parser as one of their codecs.

So, I unregistered that file, and I believe I got the "unsupported format" error after that. At that point, I copied the mcavcvd.ax file that is installed by the Elecard AVC plugin (you can find it in Program Files\Common Files\Elecard) into windows\system32, and registered it by hand with regsvr32. At that point, everything started working, and GraphEdit showed the Main Concept/Elecard decoder for all of my AVCHD files.


Derek Weiss April 18th, 2007 09:00 AM

Ok, now the decoder appears in graphedit. I'll run it and let you know how it goes.


Derek Weiss April 18th, 2007 09:07 AM

So now I have the same graphedit screen as David posted, and I no longer get the "unsupported format" when dragging the avchd into Graphedit. But Cineform still doesn't output the file?


02.m2ts-Elecard Mpeg Demultiplexer-MainConcept AVC/H.264 Decoder-Video Renderer

And then the audio chain.

Derek Weiss April 21st, 2007 08:27 PM

I have been using Nero to convert AVCHD to Cineform with some success.

1. Drop clip on Nero time line.
2. Click export.
3. Choose AVI export template.
4. At "Video Compressor" choose Cineform HD Codec V2.5
5. Configure as you please.
6. Export.

Works most of the time. Funny thing I'm learning about Nero, is for some reason, some AVCHD files it will not encode. Others work fine, but some are cursed. I get "run time" errors on some files. It's annoying, and can stop you cold in your tracks. But for me, for now, it works better than the Elecard.

David Teubner June 21st, 2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rick Baumhauer (Post 662510)
At that point, I copied the mcavcvd.ax file that is installed by the Elecard AVC plugin (you can find it in Program Files\Common Files\Elecard) into windows\system32, and registered it by hand with regsvr32. At that point, everything started working, and GraphEdit showed the Main Concept/Elecard decoder for all of my AVCHD files.


Thank's very much for that advice Rick. It fixed the problem that I'd been tearing my hair out over for about 2 days.

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