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Andy Johnson-Laird October 13th, 2009 11:08 PM

Euphonix EUControl: moving touch screen and soft key setup?
Anyone happen to know which files under OS X 10.5.7 are used to store the touch screen and soft key settings when you hit Save under EUControl 2.03, please?

I'd like to be able to make incremental backups of the changes I make rather than simply overwriting one file repeatedly.

Also I need to be able to move the settings over to a MacBook Pro for field editing with the MC Control and there doesn't seem to any Export option to save these settings.

Thanks in advance

Andy Johnson-Laird October 14th, 2009 11:04 PM

I realized I could figure this out. I deliberately made a minor change to the soft keys for FCP, saved them, then opened a terminal window and ran the commands:

sudo su -
find / -newerct '3 minutes ago' -print

This listed the files that had been changed on the Mac in the last three minutes (which would include the files that EuControl had written to when I did the save).

Here's the story:
Directory /Library/Application Support/Euphonix/UserSets/MC2User/MC_USER_SET__Root (note two underscores before Root) contains XML files for each of the user specified programs for which you have defined custom settings.

In my case this happens to be the following files:
-rw-r--r-- 1 andy admin 173929 Oct 14 21:13 Final Cut Pro.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 andy admin 51101 Oct 13 21:04 Finder.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 andy admin 53274 Oct 13 07:53 Remote Desktop Connection.xml
-r--r--r-- 1 andy admin 21894 Apr 21 11:33 default.xml

So, if you want to transport your Final Cut Pro touch pad and soft key settings to a new machine, or merely want to make a backup of them before you make any changes, the Final Cut Pro.xml file is the file to move or copy.

You can use the Finder to descend down the file system to get to these files -- they're not hidden in any way -- so I *think* you can make copies of them, even overwrite them with earlier versions if you want to revert to earlier version....you could even have different versions of them for different types of editing sessions if you needed.

Hope this helps someone wanting to do what I was trying to do -- have the settings on my MacBook Pro so I can take the MC Control into the field.

Oh...and please bear in mind that the process above may void your warranty, vary your mileage, and cause Really Bad Things to happen if you get it wrong. :) At a minimum make a copy of the current Final Cut Pro.xml file and call it something like "Final Cut Pro (Original).xml" so you can quickly copy it back over a bodged up Final Cut Pro.xml and whistle innocently, if you need to.


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