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Alessandro Machi June 14th, 2007 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rodrigo Gil Medina (Post 692443)
Hello Eugene,

Please check www.8cho.com.mx and www.8cho.com.mx/crea.

The first one is our website and the second one is a draft of a wedding site we are doing right now.

Rodrigo Medina

What annoys me most about your video clips is how smooth they are with no dropped frames. What's wrong with you!

I've been told to upgrade my computer to the newest one and then I wouldn't see dropped frames when I view video content on the net, but then I encounter a site like yours and I see no dropped frames when I view your demo reel on my several years old (but rammed up to the max) computer.


Charles H. Jones June 14th, 2007 01:33 PM

Motion graphics/After effects person needed

I'm looking to create an opening sequence for all of my projects; a signature sequence with my logo. If you are interested, you can email me at charjones00@earthlink.net, or call me at 646 296 5558.


Daniel Rudd June 16th, 2007 03:49 PM

short film in West Michigan
My brother and I will be shooting two short films in Muskegon, Michigan from July 15th to the 21st. You can read a little more about the two projects here:


My brother's handling all the casting, but I'm looking for anyone who is interested in helping with lighting, sound, and camera support.

*i'm especially interested in your help if you have some experience in capturing great audio, on location (outdoors).

I'll be shooting with the Sony FX1 and a brevis 35mm adapter.

We may still have money left to cover your gas, and all crew/cast will be accomodated comfortably (or better) and fed well.

Also, if you demonstrate amazing skills or experience, I would consider the possibility of exchanging my soundtracking/scoring services (for your project), for your collaboration on this project.
You can listen to some of my work here: www.danielrudd.com

But mostly we'll just be bribing all talent with food, West Michigan's beatiful summer climate (and beaches), and the opportunity to express your creativity.

It's shaping up to be a great group of talented and likeable contributors.


Andrew Paul June 17th, 2007 04:10 AM

Film man and Editor in UK available

I am experienced camera person with Canon Xl1s and edit in FCP and After Effects. Looking for work to add to my showreel, would love to add working on a music video to my show reel. Live in South of UK, near Gatwick. If you are not making money on it, then I am free.

Got anything you need help with, drop me a line.

Mat Thompson June 18th, 2007 06:30 AM

Dropped you an email on Friday, just making sure you got it !?


Marty Hudzik June 18th, 2007 11:36 AM

Wedding videographer needed in Cleveland/Akron area
I have a 2 camera wedding that I need to shoot on August 4th. I am the main camera operator and I need a 2nd "B" camera operator with camera to shoot the "safe" shots. I went out and secured a camera man for this job months ago, and then billed the client and told them I would have a 2nd camera operator...but this person proceeded to back out and claims to have already booked that day.

The actual wedding and reception are together....starting around 4 and lasting until 10-11ish at the same location. So it would be a 4-5 hours probably. I would take the tapes after the event and pay you for your time based on your skill level. I will be handling all of the editing and such so all I need is a reliable shooter to back me up with safe shots, while I do more creative work.

I am shooting this in HD using a Canon XL-H1 so I'd prefer the shooter to also have HD capabilites but will work with you if not.


Tony Rogers June 19th, 2007 11:48 PM

Experienced Editor/FX Artist needed for Digital Short
Editor/FX artist needed for digital short film project. We are looking for someone with a high degree of both editing and/or artistic skill. Preferably located in NC /VA/SC/MD or other Eastern U.S. regions, although we will review all responses. Experience with effects, transitions/cutting, and digital color correction preferred. We prefer an editor/artist that can be open to working in PC realm, (for a specific technical reason), HOWEVER we will be flexible with Mac-only editors if you otherwise fit our interests. We can temporarily provide you with a computer or some additional software if necessary.

This is a fun project based upon an art film/ghost story, 14-18 minutes that (hopefully) will still maintain a distinct narrative flow. We will have some designs and concepts already established for you to work with, but most importantly your creative and original ideas and/or additions will be encouraged, welcomed, and always appropriately credited. Therefore this will not be a “rush job”. We don’t have a large budget - pay will range 1000-2000+ based on experience, and level of commitment/interest. However, if you typically demand a higher salary-per-hour for what the project would entail, we will be willing work within your schedule, or discuss compensation further if you have a lot of experience and show a high degree of interest.

Please respond with a resume and/or portfolio link to rememberinggarden@yahoo.com and/or call Tony at 336-577-1421

Jasper Blunk June 20th, 2007 06:44 PM

Experienced Sountrack Composer at no rate
I would post a demo reel (of songs) but I can't get that up right now. I will edit this post in the next week when I upload some songs. Then it will be far more clear where my skills are at.

I charge no rate for most indie productions, unless of course, they want to pay me.

I can do all genres but I specialize in action/drama/emotional/intense themes. Not so much "happy" music.


Andrew J Morin June 21st, 2007 09:12 AM

Dude, I actually knelt and prayed for someone like you to turn up here! ;-p

Can you emulate John Williams? (hint, hint...)


Andrew Kasch June 21st, 2007 09:58 AM

Los Angeles digital short needs sound engineer!
I'm shooting a short film this weekend in the Lancaster area of Souther Cali and am looking for an experienced sound person with a boom and directional mic to shoot on the evenings of the 22nd and 23rd.

Film is a horror/comedy with cast of cult actors. Lots of fake blood and prosthetics will be used at the scene. Shoot is light-hearted fun with small group of professionals.

Film has already been accepted into festivals. If interested, drop me a line at andrewkasch@yahoo.com or call 423.227.3456.

Chris Barcellos June 21st, 2007 11:25 AM


I'm sending a PM to. I am in Sacramento area. Where in Bay area ?

Jessica Gallant June 22nd, 2007 01:02 AM

need doc cameraman w/Sony HDV for NYC interview
I'm looking for an experienced documentary cameraman/camerawoman in NYC to shoot an interview with the lead singer of a band for a music based documentary. Ideally the person would be someone with a Sony HDV camera in order to match the footage which has already been shot on Sony HDV cameras. The interview will take place around the end of the month.

Bonus points will be give if you've got some knowledge of early UK post-punk (Joy Division, Specimen, Bauhaus, ASF, etc.) though that's not a requirement.

There is pay, but it's low.

If interested, pls. send me an e-mail at tuesday234@adelphia.net

Jessica Gallant

Chuck Filiatreau June 22nd, 2007 08:59 AM

need cameraman in namibia africa
I have a friend that is shooting a pilot for a new show and is in need of a cameraman in Africa. The shoot would be at his ranch in Namibia and would include some hunting footage and behind the scenes material. He could always find someone to travel with them but if he could find someone close it may make things easier. This is a very special project that i know will touch you in many ways. If you know of someone or are interested, shoot me an e-mail at chuck@johnmichaeloutdoors.com


Jasper Blunk June 22nd, 2007 03:51 PM

For some reason I cannot edit my original post.... anyway... here:

Although it is not a film/video, here are a few pieces that I composed just a few days ago. The reason I post it is because it could be used for a film–but I composed it originally for a trailer for my most recent film.

I have put the folder of pieces up on a file-hosting service. And the folder has been compressed into a StuffIt file.


Comments please. Also, please contact me if you wish to use any of these for projects–these pieces has not been registered an official copyright yet so there won't be any problem with that. I would love to have it used in a film. In fact, I won't go off to off-topic but I actually am available for music composing for films–short and feature-length. I charge no rate, unless you would like to pay. I am based in the S.F. Bay Area. Send me a PM if you want. I specialize in what you're hearing (the pieces), action-oriented, emotional, intense, and epic themes. "Happy" music is not my best but I can do anything really.

P.S. The way to get the best sound out of this song (or any audio in general) is to use quality earphones or a good sound system. In other words–please don't listen to this on your default computer speakers, or bad ones anyway. *wink*

P.P.S. Note that these pieces are just drafts-not articulately worked on yet.

P.P.P.S. Also note that these songs end soon. But the track goes on. You will see.

Barry Gregg June 22nd, 2007 04:40 PM

What about us PC folks. I can't find a way to decompress your .sitx file on my PC.
Thanks, Barry

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