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Rohan Dadswell November 24th, 2008 06:49 PM

Another Music Clip Shot With a SI-2K
Another Music Clip Shot With a SI-2K for the Casual Projects track "Time"

YouTube - Casual Projects - Time

hoping they will have a HD version up soon

Sergio Sanchez November 24th, 2008 07:31 PM

Good video.
Very clean image look.

Daniel Bates November 25th, 2008 04:47 PM

I like the visual direction a lot - in fact, I like just about everything about this video. The stop motion effects were neat.

And the side effect of music videos: now the song is stuck in my head!

Mugurel Dragusin November 28th, 2008 11:32 PM

Great music video, while the SI-2K does it's job, the strong point comes from the creativity of the shots, well done.

Oh yeah, the music...not bad either :)

Alex Raskin January 22nd, 2009 09:26 AM

Rohan, what configuration of SI-2K was used?


Any 35mm adapters?


Rohan Dadswell January 23rd, 2009 11:11 PM

Hi Alex,

I've got the full body SI-2K although on this shoot I spent a lot of time with the Mini separated from the body (One of the big features that sold me on the SI-2K over other cameras)

The coffin shots had the mini suspended by a mic stand over the singers - if it had been a full sized camera it would have taken ages to build a suitable rig.

I'm not a big fan of 35mm adapters - I think that they soften the picture too much.
I have a set of Optar Illumina Super 16 primes - they open up to T1.3 which gives me about the same DOF as a Nikon on a 35mm adapter that opens up to f2.8, without loosing light or sharpness.


Alex Raskin January 24th, 2009 08:31 AM

Great work on the music video, thanks for sharing!

DOF: opened to the maximum aperture of 1.3, aren't lenses soft too?

Did you do A/B comparison with the 35mm adapter?

I have Letus Extreme, and used on Sony EX1 with Zeiss 100mm Macro, it produces rather awesome, shallow DOF. But I'd rather get rid of the cumbersome, large, heavy adapter if possible. Plus it introduces ground glass noise into the picture.

Rohan Dadswell January 24th, 2009 06:01 PM

Yes, at T1.3 there is a slight drop off in sharpness but nothing major, so long as you've got some contrast in your shot it's fine. If the shot is flat lit with no highs & lows you can pick it.

I haven't done a side by side with a 35mm adapter on the SI-2K - my experience with adapters is a bit out of date, I have an old Letus sitting in a cupboard somewhere & I shot a couple of commercials with the P&S Pro 35 on Digibeta & HDCam. I was never happy with either of the adapters, both with the image quality and operating with them stuck on the front of the camera.

I know shallow DoF is really popular at the moment but I'd hate to have any less than what I've got - I'd never hit my focus! Maybe I should get an assistant who knows what they are doing - then I've got someone else to blame ;-)

Alex Raskin January 24th, 2009 07:28 PM

:) Ha, yeah - focus can be an issue especially if you're shooting with 35mm adapter handheld... On a dolly/tripod with the limited camera moves, it is usually manageable though...

I totally hear you on the resolution - not really wanting giving it up here either... but 35mm really gives such a great "big production" feel.

I think I'll be banking on the upcoming RED Scarlet S35, which supposedly is a small-body camera with a 35mm-size sensor, so I imagine I could use my Nikon SLR lenses on it with good success; have no 35mm adapter and shallow DOF; and none of the image noise/bulkiness/resolution loss of the adapter...

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