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Michael Pace August 18th, 2006 08:17 AM

another data pt:

last year i rendered my 101-minute feature as an mpeg2 for DVD using Vegas 5. The movie was desaturated to black and white, gaussian blur across the board, and had several panned/cropped clips. On the old 950 MHz Athlon PC the render took 8 days-- yes it was nerve-wracking waiting a week for the thing to finish cooking, checking every few hours, waiting for a crash. But when it was done the results were perfect. No crash, no stalls, no errors. Just slow solid quality performance.

The same movie rendered as an AVI on the same PC took about 15 hours to render, w/ a file size of upper-20-something gigs IIRC.

good luck,


Rey Ortega August 18th, 2006 10:52 AM

Vital Stream is a world wide flash content streaming service. They are one of the best so I would expect it to be a little more expensive. If you go to the Adobe/Macromedia website, there's a link for flash streaming services.

www.macromedia.com -> This will take you to Adobe's macromedia site.

Rey Ortega

Jesse Redman August 18th, 2006 11:36 AM

Thanks for the replys.

Has anyone else rendered a feature length video and can share their experience?

I now expect the render to take between 13 and 14 hours. It has taken about 10 and a half hours so far and indicates it will take another 3 and a half hours.

ALSO, can anyone share what format they have been asked to deliver a feature length movie for distribution?

Ben Mahoney August 18th, 2006 12:00 PM

kind of worked
Thanks for the help Don. That worked but not it keeps doing it even on different projects. Maybe I'll just re-install.

Bennis Hahn August 18th, 2006 12:33 PM

I have done a 46 minute film. I split it up into two renders with editing/graphics/color timing on one and then audio for the other.

I did all the audio work as a separate project and rendered a .wav file from there and put that into Vegas and rendered the final .avi with sound from my editing time line. Took about 7 hours and every clip was color timed and some had Magic Bullet (about 8% of the movie).

From there I went to mpeg2 for duplication and that was pretty much real-time.

I always render to a final .avi master and then encode my .wmv and mgeg2 off that.

p4 2.8 HT PC

Jon Fairhurst August 18th, 2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bennis Hahn
I always render to a final .avi master and then encode my .wmv and mgeg2 off that.

Me too. I can then use the master to create flash video, wmv, Quicktime, whatever.

Also, I recommend selecting just a minute or two and doing a test render. You don't want to render for half a week only to learn that you forgot to set the aspect ratio correctly.

Don Bloom August 18th, 2006 01:51 PM

Before you do that is the drive where the clips are that aren't being seen an external drive? Sometimes the machine for whatever reason loses contact with an external drive-when that happens, if thats the case you might try cutting power to the external and rebooting that only.

Just a thought.


Dennis Khaye August 18th, 2006 02:27 PM

Codec problem maybe? What type of file is it?

Vince Curtis August 18th, 2006 03:13 PM

. ..I guess NERO it is. Can I create menu based DVD's ? Is anything else differnet ? THanks

Edward Troxel August 18th, 2006 03:25 PM

You AUTHOR the disc in DVD Architect. You BURN the disc in Nero. So, yes you can still have the same menus because you're creating the menus in the same program you were before.

Jesse Redman August 18th, 2006 04:05 PM

I finished a few minutes ago: 14 hours 8 minutes for a WMV file. It was 4.5 GB.

John Lorince August 18th, 2006 04:56 PM

This has happened to me
I usually just shut down and restart and that cures it. I do have a large part of my files on external drives. Maybe I need a defreg, that thing we all forget to do!

Don Bloom August 18th, 2006 05:51 PM

Not a codec problem just sometimes the machine or Vegas doesn't see the external drive. I have no idea why it just happens every now and then. I close the project, turn off that drive restart it open the project again and there it is in all its glory.
Must be the "drive gremlins" ;-)

Chad Ream August 19th, 2006 07:58 AM

De-Interlace option within Vegas
What about the option within Vegas to De-Interlace. I have not has much experience comparing, but have recently taken an interest in using this option.


Adi Head August 19th, 2006 09:26 AM

problem with .avi from digital camera
Hi. I have a Canon S80 Digital Camera that can capture video as well as still photos. Recently, I shot some video with this camera and transferred the clips to my hard drive. Then I imported the .avi files to Vegas 6. I placed the clips on the timeline and played the preview. For some reason I can only hear sound, but the preview window remains black.

I can see the visuals in the thumbnails of the clips on the timeline. But playing them, I only get a blank screen.

What could be the problem?


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