View Full Version : Canon XH Series HDV Camcorders

  1. Canon XH A1 & Bad visable Interlacing Lines
  2. Got my Letus, lenses, jib..heck yeah!
  3. Industrial look? Good preset.
  4. Quicktime Problems.
  5. Gonna Buy XHA1 Training DVD..
  6. Terrible packaging for my A-1 from B&H
  7. A1 Black Levels?
  8. How fast is the A1?
  9. Shooting for web content.
  10. not getting audio when viewing footage via FCP
  11. Ext. mic AT4073 for Canon XH-A1.
  12. FX1 - A1 picture comparisons?
  13. Problem with my component feed to monitor
  14. Turn Off Zoom Lever?
  15. Looking for a good bag for the A1
  16. advice for fast action..
  17. wireless mic and the ATT manual vs auto
  18. Matching the A1 with a PD150
  19. Strength of external mike a manufacturing design flaw?
  20. I'm Blown Away!
  21. CP for lowish light indoors?
  22. Problems Galore with the XH-A1
  23. Is the A1 an auto-friendly Run 'n' Gun HDV camcorder, or harsh/unforgiving?
  24. Black and white with the A1
  25. 16.9-SD problems in FCP
  26. Preset for indoor, lit scenes?
  27. Building a digital cinema set-up around a Canon XH A1
  28. How to put Presets on SD card without Reader, YES!
  29. Broken mic on XHA1. What now ?
  30. 2x XH-A1 in Petrol bag - Photos
  31. The park in the dark shooting.
  32. 3 adds to user poll
  33. Reading Windows Captured HDV footage on Macs
  34. A1 - how to enable tapeless recording
  35. G1 jackpack questions
  36. Skin - Sky detail question
  37. Senn ew100 g2 with a1?
  38. Got my XH-A1 yesterday
  39. A1 Iris Bloom (again)
  40. Preset to card question
  41. panasonic tape jam
  42. Problem Please help.
  43. XHA1 website
  44. Cleaning the Camera Body
  45. Rain Jacket
  46. Battersea Barge Recordings London June 25 and 26th.
  47. Four A1 Questions
  48. 16x9 Inc's 1.5X telextender ??
  49. I need convincing
  50. Mounting on-camera light and microphone