View Full Version : Non-Linear Editing on the PC

  1. Photoshop and After Effects resolution
  2. Do I need XP Service Pack 2 on a non-networked PC?
  3. Adobe Pro 1.5 system Question
  4. Opening and ending credits
  5. 60i to 30 fps
  6. Help with LOGGING (Capturing)
  7. after effects/combustion free transform
  8. How do you organize your shots (timeline) while editing a dialogue scene?
  9. What software to edit with?
  10. When capturing DV footage into NLE (firewire) I would like not to use main camcorder?
  11. To mirror or not to mirror?
  12. crashing problems
  13. 4 channel audio help?
  14. Hard drive performance problem
  15. How can we protect
  16. I'm saying goodbye to IEEE 1394
  17. PC edit ?
  18. Using multiple cameras/final editing
  19. Flat Panel Display
  20. New Computer Dell
  21. Help dumping video to NLE - dropped frames,etc
  22. Editing station --- where to start?
  23. Video Backgrounds
  24. Installation of NLE's
  25. Editing Opinions Wanted
  26. Bought P4 3.0C - need the rest
  27. Portable HDD as the seperate physical HDD
  28. Crying Uncle
  29. Jvc Sr-vs30u
  30. Monitor interference problems, what are my options here?
  31. File management anyone :-)
  32. I have a choice between these two computers.
  33. Video Conversion Problem... HELP!!!!
  34. Power Supply Trouble
  35. Latest Motherboards
  36. Firewire card works...but no camera
  37. Seperate HDD's v Partition - help?
  38. pavilion zd8000 laptop
  39. money no object PC
  40. MPEG2 Encoding
  41. unnecessary opening of window folders on start up
  42. HELP Pinnacle editing...
  43. A new PC
  44. Problem with excessive hard drive cycling and dropping of frames
  45. HD speeds
  46. AVID's media management?
  47. Converting Analog-Digital via XL-2 Converter
  48. Preview monitor
  49. need storage advice for DV feature
  50. TV as Monitor w/GeForce3 Ti200?