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  1. XL-1 to MA-100/200 - 12v or 48v output
  2. Colour difficulty
  3. Wide angle adapter for the 14X manual lens.
  4. question about using 2 mics
  5. where is the xl-1s serial number located at ?
  6. Long Repair Time
  7. XL1 needs new transport . . . COST?
  8. Out with the old, in with the new
  9. XL-1 tape can't play on sonys, etc !!
  10. What to do with Canon's Tech Support?
  11. XL1s lens failure?
  12. Question about Fujinon lens with XL1s
  13. White balance - contrast
  14. XL1 no EVF display
  15. XL1S preset menu locked!!!
  16. Hytron 50/XL1s question
  17. PROBLEM: Image disappearing after a few minutes of REC
  18. lens adaptation for XL1s
  19. BIG problem with my XL1S
  20. AudioTechnica AT815B and Canon Xl1s? Suggestions?
  21. Looking for a support device for wireless
  22. Adding telephoto converter onto 16 IS II
  23. Blinking Red Icon on XL1
  24. Baseplate With Rails
  25. Need some input on price drops
  26. what am I missing with audio?
  27. Going to the Caribbean on vacation can I buy a XL-1 there?
  28. A cool article about the XL1 on Camcorderinfo
  29. Stereo Shotgun Mics?
  30. 16x IS II: Not convinced
  31. How can I...
  32. new anamorphic adapter...
  33. XL1 Gain Problem: Urgent Advice Requested
  34. XL-1/1s record-What do u use in post?
  35. Got My XL1s Back from Canon Repair... :(
  36. getting 2.35:1 For XL1s
  37. Anyone used a SI-XL SYSTEM ISOLATOR
  38. Underwater Accesories
  39. Canon XL1S on
  40. now that xl2 is out, how much should i sell xl1s for?
  41. Canon Case
  42. funny business (xl1-s)
  43. zebra questions
  44. XL1s with Nikon Photo Lenses
  45. noise when rolling
  46. Low light solution for Night Club Video
  47. Canon XL1s Lenses Used in 28 Days Later?
  48. Native Short in L.A.
  49. xl1 underwater
  50. Problem with XL1s