View Full Version : new anamorphic adapter...

Paul Figgiani
July 20th, 2004, 01:44 PM
Can someone offer some specific info on this 16x9 adapter that I am hearing is, price, etc.



Yi Fong Yu
July 22nd, 2004, 12:06 PM
me2, me wanna know. does it fit 3x?

John Mercer
July 30th, 2004, 07:55 AM
I use the Panasonic anamorphic adaptor (designed for the DVX100 - same 72mm thread) on my PAL XL1s and as long as you are careful (no extreme telephoto - no wide open) it really gives excellent results. I am surprised no one else has tried it, it is much cheaper than any other solution. It cost me around £600.

The 16:9 footage I have been getting looks fantastic and I have used it for a number of professional corporate and broadcast projects - the clients were very pleased with the results.

I can use (on the 16x servo) from full wide to 80% at least of telephoto, and wide is very useful with this adaptor, which is good because it won't work with the 3x due to its front element (don't know about the manual 16x). Focusing is no more problematic than without it, including be able to push the autofocus button on the lens to help with manual setting.

The only real disadvantage is you can't use filters with it, unless you modify the front (shave about 6mm of the hood) and then you can use a matte box - so Optex in the UK tell me anyway. Or you can gaffer tape 4x4 filters inside the hood as a tempoary measure, but this hasn't been a problem for me so far as I tend to avoid filters with the softer XL1s, except clear and polarising.

Here in Europe 16:9 has become increasingly mandatory and I find this a good solution.

Best regards,

Christopher Reynolds
August 7th, 2004, 11:00 AM
Any screen captures from using the anamorphic adapter? Im new to optics and want to see what kind of effect anamorphic has on the XL1s. Or maybe you know a link where I can find a picture with anamorphic shots? Thanks for any info!

John Mercer
August 9th, 2004, 03:04 PM
Hi Christopher,

Sorry I've not replied sooner but unfortunately I have no facility to host screen grabs.

But If Chris is prepared to accept some stills from me for hosting here I will gladly submitt them.

They are from a PAL XL1s with the Panasonic anamorphic adaptor on the standard 16x servo lens.

Best regards,

Chris Hurd
August 9th, 2004, 04:16 PM
Yup, just email 'em to me, a couple at a time. Email link below.