View Full Version : Focus Enhancements FireStore

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  1. Question regarding FS-4 HD. I NEED HELP!!!
  2. Sony V1U and FS-4ProHD corrupt files
  3. FS-100 Freezing... a lot.
  4. Fs4 Vrs Hd100
  5. FS-4 ProHD won't turn off!
  6. My Firestore Horror Story!
  7. Corrupt clips crazy
  8. Can it record HDV576p ... ?
  9. JVC HD100U -> Fs4 Pro(PAL)/DR-HD100GB60?
  10. can i upgrade fs-4 software to be fs-4 HD?
  11. DR HD100 upgrade
  12. Ouch Now what ???
  13. Focus Enchanements
  14. Firestore FS4 DV quicktime coming into FCP as stereo
  15. Firestore compatibility with FinalCut
  16. Can you allocate OMF's to a bin ??
  17. FS-1 Firestore compatible Hard Disks
  18. Please wait errors
  19. Warning about power on Firewire Cable
  20. A suggestion for Focus Enhancements....
  21. Another battery alternative
  22. persistent audio problems
  23. A1 and Firestore mounting
  24. Firestore files--Qt & m2t?????
  25. Firestore upgrade unless I'm wrong 'Timelapse'
  26. Help! Any way to recover corrupted files from Focus Fs-4 HD?
  27. dr-dv5000 not working
  28. folder empty after connecting with laptop
  29. Can You Help Me Build My Firestore System?
  30. A few Firestore/XH-A1 questions
  31. Pink vs. Red backlight on display?
  32. Fan not starting after drive swap.
  33. Time to say goodbye to Firestore?
  34. Firestore Z1 problem
  35. head replacement or firestore?
  36. i have UPGRADE my DR-HD100 40G TO 80G
  37. FS crash?
  38. From Tape to Firestore
  39. Back to Firestore?
  40. Does anyone own a Power Bag Junior Battery for FS 100?
  41. 000min remaining?
  42. HDV recording DV transfers
  43. Battery and DC Power From Cam
  44. Difference between silver and black FS-4Pro HD
  45. Can FS-4HD Pro or DR-HD100 record directly to an external firewire drive?
  46. Fsc-hd Dte Is Discontinued
  47. Firestore reliability and compatability with old cams?...
  48. firestore back to tape?
  49. Firestore Harddrives : Hitachi Travelstar
  50. Firewire Connectors CAM <-> Firestore