View Full Version : Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1

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  1. HD lipstick camera for use with FX1
  2. I know how to read, but the manual says nothing! How to down-convert from HDV to DV?
  3. Possible Bad Sony Z1, but I need a comparison to another Z1...PLEASE HELP!
  4. Explain "True 480p Progressive Mode"
  5. Scenic footage from FX-1 used on ESPN2 HD
  6. battery charger recommendations?
  7. How to make sure a continous timecode ?
  8. Part Number Microphone Holder-FX-1
  9. Amazing results using the full auto functions.
  10. HDR-FX1E in san Francisco
  11. HDNet has at least 5 FX1's (though they said they didn't like HDV)
  12. What to carry it in?
  13. What are people Charging
  14. FX1 motor noise
  15. wow- that'll take the wind out of a forum , uh?
  16. Conversion Lens
  17. walking when shooting with FX1
  18. Who upgraded to Z1 from PD170?
  19. Got the FX1-E.. it's dark...
  20. FX/Z1 plus panasonic anamorphic ?
  21. Presentations In Hdtv
  22. Help me please with FX1/Z1 User Information
  23. I Hate When People Refer to the New Panasonic & JVC HD Cams as the Z1 Killer!!!
  24. Batteries for PAL
  25. FX1 - Separate Audio Recording in different Channels
  26. Z1/FX1 on a large theater screen. How it looks like?
  27. what's with the blur when you pan???
  28. Z1 with Lite Panels
  29. Hype/excitment Z1/FX1 over !!
  30. How many are using regular dv tape ?
  31. displaying time code
  32. Are the Z1 and FX1 produced at different facilities ?
  33. Sony tech on tape use
  34. anyone noticing DropOut on the HDR-FX1? with regular miniV tapes?
  35. Regional BBC - we're getting Z1s.
  36. So how do you get your 4x4 filters in your Mattebox?
  37. Downconverting - SQUEEZE or LETTERBOX?
  38. Question - DVCAM (DV) mode on Z1U
  39. Ecm-678
  40. **Got a gig -- HVR-Z1U in Primetime - important!!
  41. Hey, Douglass--
  42. Steadyshot
  43. Shoulder mount for Z1
  44. FX1/Z1 asa est. @ 125- users ?
  45. z1U vs. z1E?!
  46. extent of motion problems
  47. A beefed up FX-1 or a bare Z1 ?
  48. Can Someone Help With Proper Settings For Fast Action Shots? BMP POSTED
  49. Tape choices for Z1
  50. Adam Wilts' FX1 review is posted