View Full Version : XLH1 stay with NTSC or switch to PAL ?

Declan Smith
September 11th, 2014, 03:50 PM
I live in the UK and have just received my PAL XLH1 back from Canon after getting the CCD prism changed and all dead / hot pixels removed.

Picture look awesome. However, the camera is now strangely NTSC, giving me 24p, 30p and 60i modes.

I know that 60i should provide a better slow motion (2.5x PAL 50i) and from what I have read, 30p is better at coping with pans, and obviously 24p is 'film like' (although, to be honest I wouldn't know the difference between 24p and 25p if I watched it).

So question is, would it be better for me to stick with this new NTSC config, or would it be wise to get Canon to reconfig it back to PAL? Are there any drawbacks leaving it as NTSC or anything else I should be aware of ??

Don Palomaki
September 12th, 2014, 10:33 AM
I would say that the determining factor is the format your clients expect to receive.

Declan Smith
October 5th, 2014, 03:15 PM
Thanks, I've decided to keep it PAL, primarily because everything else I have / cut it with, is PAL. I personally can't tell the difference between 24fps and 25fps, so the only thing I would potentially have gained is slightly better slower motion. I also noticed that the NTSC config picked up light flickers because the mains frequency was different.

Simon Wood
October 7th, 2014, 06:05 AM
There was a (paid) firmware update that allowed you to switch between PAL and NTSC in the menu.

Are you able to select which one you want in the menu, or is it locked to one or the other?