CS3 audio conforming so slow......something is wrong. at DVinfo.net
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Old August 1st, 2007, 08:25 AM   #1
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CS3 audio conforming so slow......something is wrong.

My first project with CS3. Basic HDV 60i using Adobe preset. Captured 45 minutes of footage as one big mpeg file in the bin. CS3 chokes when conforming the audio. 8 hours and it never finished.....CS3 locks up and has to be hard shutdown. In addition the timeline is so sluggish while it is conforming the audio, yet only 1 core of my quad core processor is even doing anything during this time. The same mpg file opened in PPRO 2 conforms the audio in under 5-6 minutes.

Any ideas? Have others imported HDV footage succesfully and not had audio conforming issues. This is a really bad experience for my first projec tin CS3.

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Old August 1st, 2007, 11:35 AM   #2
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On my lunch hour I went home and opened my Premiere Pro 2.0 project file that had conformed quickly. I was hoping CS3 would just recognize the .cfa file from PPRO2 but it didn;t and started the lonh process of conforming again.

So....I closed it and opened a new CS3 project using the Canon 24f presets (not even sure this should work as it is officially a PPRO2 preset) and imported a 63 minute .mpg file that had been captured using PPRO2 from my H1. It imported and indexed and conformed it in under 6 minutes. In addition the timeline was like 100x more responsive.

So. Either there is something corrupt in the other .mpg file that PPRO2 skips over but Cs3 chokes on "or" the capture process in CS3 is goofed up and created invalid mpg for CS3 (bit work in PPRO2?). This is messed up. Unfortunately my lunch had to end before I did anymore testing.

At least I know that CS3 can work properly....I just need to figure out what when wrong and avoid it in the future if possible.

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Old August 7th, 2007, 08:51 PM   #3
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OK. I do not think I am doing anything wrong now. I shot a wedding and had 54 minutes on the tape. I captured it in Premiere Pro CS3 using one of the default HDV presets. I was not at the PC when the timecode on the tape ended. However when I came back, the capture window was open and I hit stop. Within 2-3 seconds it added the clip to the project bin.

It's been 30 minutes and the conforming of the clip is not even half way complete and I can't even scrub the clip on the timeline without a 10 second delay. I do not think it is going to finish properly and will get locked up. I will point out again how this is not a problem is PPRO from the same tape and same camera. Just CS3.

Can someone please try importing an HDV tape into CS3 and let it run past the end of the timecode and see if you have issues. I really want to love CS3, as it really outperforms PPRO2 on my Quadcore by leaps and bounds.....but so far it has caused so many problems it is pathetic. Is this software really this bad? PPro runs like a champs on this PC (not spped but stability). Cs3 runs fast as heck but is unstable and freezes on simple mindane tasks...... Is this what I paid to upgrade to? More problems?


Addendum: BY the time I finished typing this Premiere is locked up tight. Darnit!
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Old August 8th, 2007, 05:57 AM   #4
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Hi Marty

I used to edit in PP2 and a great fan of Adobe products. I have not try on CS3 but getting soon. I guess it due to the update on direct PP2 to CS3 may not good as full installed. Just like Windows XP upddate SP1 to SP2 !!! Or you may try the follow link to check if any user got same problem as your's

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Old August 8th, 2007, 06:11 AM   #5
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Thanks for the link but I have already been on that board and posted.

Also, with Adobe software it is not realloy and upgrade like Windows is. Adobe leaves a complete installation of the previous version and installs the new one seperately....so I doubt that a clean install will fix this issue.

Originally Posted by K.C. Luke View Post
Hi Marty

I used to edit in PP2 and a great fan of Adobe products. I have not try on CS3 but getting soon. I guess it due to the update on direct PP2 to CS3 may not good as full installed. Just like Windows XP upddate SP1 to SP2 !!! Or you may try the follow link to check if any user got same problem as your's

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Old August 8th, 2007, 07:52 AM   #6
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I was told that you should not capture all at once. You should use HDVSplit (a free program to capture) It has scene detection built in. You can use that to capture and let it scene detect for you. This will also help with Video and Audio out of sink issues.
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Old August 8th, 2007, 08:13 AM   #7
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That's a good idea but still amounts to working around a bug. If Premiere Pro 2 could capture fine, shouldn't CS3 at least work? This is basic functionality here....not some complex effects or something.

Originally Posted by Todd Clark View Post

I was told that you should not capture all at once. You should use HDVSplit (a free program to capture) It has scene detection built in. You can use that to capture and let it scene detect for you. This will also help with Video and Audio out of sink issues.
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Old August 8th, 2007, 02:55 PM   #8
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Doubt it'd be the problem. But are the scratch disks setup accordingly for your rig in CS3?
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Old August 8th, 2007, 03:49 PM   #9
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Well I doubt that too. The problem occurs only when I capture an HDV clip from tape that is shorter than the length of the tape. In other words the time code stops at 48min but the tape keeps playing until it reaches the end. This somehow corrupts the file for PPRO CS3. Mind you these captured clips works in all other apps fine....but CS3 doesn't like it and chokes while conforming the audio. So I essentially cannot use them in CS3.

Add to this I have confirmed that if I manually stop the capture before it reaches the end of the timecode, CS3 is fine with it. It appears to be a glitch where the capture app doesn't properly tag the end of the mpg if the timecode on the tape ends before the capture ends....make sense? I have captured the same clips in PPRO 2, Cineform HDlink (To mpg stream) and from Vegas and they all work in CS3....even if I let the tape run until the end and past the last timecode.

Originally Posted by Michael F. Grgurev View Post
Doubt it'd be the problem. But are the scratch disks setup accordingly for your rig in CS3?
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Old August 9th, 2007, 07:51 AM   #10
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Don't know if this is any help, but ...

Premiere doesn't seem to be able to cope with any any coloring outside the lines. Small discrepancies other programs can deal with Premiere can't.

There are apparently all kinds of small glitches possible especially when capturing on a laptop and recording to tape at the same time like I do, -usually time-code related.

I recorded from a Canon XH-A1 with HDVSplit and imported into Premiere CS3 and sometimes found audio missing, audio looping, audio out of sync, long conforming times, etc. My first solution was to run though MPEGstreamclip (free), click on "fix timecode", output a TS (with PCM), change the name to m2t and everything seemed fine when imported into Premiere. (I had a reasonable amount of footage already captured for PP2 by HDVSplit when I switched to CS3)

Then I started converting the "bad" HDVSplit files into CFHD (Aspect HD - not free). Those files worked fine in CS3.

Now I'm using OnLocation, converting to Cineform, and importing to CS3 and everything is still fine.

Well... that's my story

(Ooops, just noticed you already used Streamclip and Cineform, - oh well)
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Old August 9th, 2007, 08:19 AM   #11
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Hey Marty,

I dunno if this helps, but my Premiere Pro 2.0 does the same thing with short tapes. It just keep capturing despite there being no timecode... might be an HDV problem, not a CS3 problem...
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