Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing at
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 12:19 AM   #1
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Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing


The content installers for Encore and PPro CS6 seem to be broken, at least for some people. Basically, you do not have access to title templates, menus, buttons, and etc. This problem is affecting both Mac and PC versions. Adobe has posted instructions that are supposed to fix the problem. ssing.html

Apparently, the instructions work for the Creative Cloud subscribers but not for for those who got their CS6 upgrade via ESD (i.e., download.) There is a long thread in the user forums at Adobe.

Adobe Forums: Encore CS6 Missing Library Files Update

In my case, the PPro CS6 content (title templates) installed and more or less work. (There are some problems with display but it does work for me.)

It was a different story with Encore content. The CS 6 installer for Encore content gave me only about 8 general menus and nothing else. Worse, it completely trashed all the library and content files for Encore CS 5.5. (I know that it was Encore 5.1 that came with CS 5.5, but let's just refer to the suite for the sake of this discussion, okay?).


Apparently, it will be a few days before Adobe will be able to sort this out. I am in the middle of a couple of projects and needed to get a workaround. So, here is what worked for me under Win 7.

1. Uninstall the Encore CS6 Content. Do it from the Control Panel, Uninstall Program.

2. Reinstall the CS 5.5 content for Encore. For those with electronic downloads of 5.5, these will be in a folder called "Premiere Pro Family Content Installers." The subfolder is called "Adobe Encore CS 5.1 Functional Content." Double click on "Setup.exe." (If you can't find this file, you will have to go log back on to your account at Adobe and re-download the Content. You'll get two files: a compressed archive that ends in "LZ7" and an "EXE" extractor file. Double click on the "EXE file to extract the contents into a folder. Then navigate as above, double click on Setup.exe and install the Encore 5.1 content.)

3. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to ProgramFiles(x86)/Adobe/AdobeEncoreCS5.1. Find the folders labeled "Library" and "templates." Copy them to the folder "ProgramFiles/Adobe/AdobeEncoreCS6." If asked to overwrite "library," do it.

4. Open Encore CS6. Click Edit-Preferences-Media. The top line is "Library Content." Browse to or type the path: "C:/ProgramFiles/Adobe/AdobeEncoreCS6/Library." You should now have access to the Encore menus, buttons, styles, etc.

I do not work on with Macs, so I do not know what the process would be for those systems, but I would guess it will be similar.
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 09:56 AM   #2
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

I thought this was fixed in the update. I saw a post in the Adobe PPro forum that said it was anyway. But... is it?
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Old June 2nd, 2012, 10:30 AM   #3
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

I thought so, too, but it turned out to be otherwise for me and others. Near as I can tell, from the Adobe Forum thread linked to above, the problem seems to have several causes including software issues as well problems with the server from which the downloads come. The present fixes work for some folks and not others as seen from the last few days' postings in that thread. Doubtless, Adobe will get this sorted out in a few days. My workaround lets me go back to work in the meantime. I posted here for anybody else who might be running into this problem in the interim.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 02:57 AM   #4
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

I checked my Encore after the last date and there doesn't seem to be any changes. Just a handful of menus and no buttons or anything else.

This only effects the library contents, right? Luckily it will be about 2 weeks before I need to burn some new DVDs, and I usually design my menues in PS.
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 03:22 AM   #5
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

I think 99% of the menu's remained the same.
Some new BD templates with pop up menu.

For those having trouble read this:
Library, title templates, template projects missing: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Encore CS5 - CS6
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Old June 3rd, 2012, 11:04 AM   #6
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

Yes, that's the Adobe link I meant to use in my first post. Sorry about giving incorrect link in my first post. That probably made my description unclear.

Note that the linked Adobe help file has two separate sets of instructions. One set is the instructions for those having disk-delivered copies of CS5 (and maybe CS 5.5?) or Creative Cloud subscriptions (presumably for CS6). These instructions seem to work for the Creative Cloud folks.

The second section of the instructions is for those with ESD (downloaded) copies. Note also that these instructions are for those whose install did not create a "Library" sub-folder in the Encore CS 6 folder under "Program Files/Adobe CS6." These instructions seem to work for some, but not all, ESD copies of CS6.

I have an ESD copy of CS6. I followed the instructions in that link for ESD. I did this several times, which included erasing the original content download and re-downloading it from the Adobe site as instructed. I tried both the Akmai and the alternative download of the content installers.

Following the instructions gave me: (a) PPro content which is the title templates that are usable even though the selection menus have problems displaying correctly; and (b) an Encore CS 6 "Library" folder whose content was nothing more that a few menu template from the "general" category and none of the rest of the content. To be more specific, the problem I had was that the installer erased my Encore CS 5.1 content and gave me an Encore CS6 "library" with only a tiny fraction of the content that is supposed to be there.

Adobe already has figured this out with solutions that work for many users. It will get it figured out for the remainder. In the interim, I found a workaround which I offered here for those like me for whom the current fix does not work.
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Old July 15th, 2012, 06:21 AM   #7
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

Just in case anyone else is struggling with this...

I couldn't get the bulk of the templates to appear in Encore (buttons, menus etc.). I hadn't time to give it much thought until this morning. Basically the "Resource Central library content" was not appearing, despite following all instructions to the letter and removing and reinstalling everything serveral times.

The key issue is the following part of the instructions:

Copy the contents of the language folder (eg. en-US) to the following location:

Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore CS6\Library
Mac: Applications/Adobe Encore CS6/Library
In my case, I had to copy the contents of the en-US folder to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore CS6\ (without the final library part). Maybe my life is different because I'm using Creative Cloud rather than install discs, I don't know.

Otherwise, all you are getting are the subfolders for the resources in the wrong place.

My problem before was just blindly going to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore CS6\Library and pasting the files in, as per instructions, rather than thinking about it.

I'm sure I'm not the only person with this misunderstanding!
Attached Thumbnails
Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing-1-incorrect.png   Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing-2-correct.png  

Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing-adobe-instructions.png  
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Old July 15th, 2012, 09:59 PM   #8
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

That is basically what I wound up doing with my ESD copy, as well and everything seems t work.
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Old March 1st, 2013, 10:13 PM   #9
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

I needed a fix for this with my media hardcopy version, but this link had the fix for cloud, ESD, or media CD/DVD version so hope this helps someone down the line:

Library, title templates, template projects missing: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Encore
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Old March 2nd, 2013, 11:18 AM   #10
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

First look in the root of Encore if you can find the library etc.
Then you might need to set the link to the library in the Preferences / Media.
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Old March 2nd, 2013, 11:36 AM   #11
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Re: Workaround for Encore CS6 content/library going missing

Not necessarily... the issue for many people was that the LIBRARY folder itself was as it was in my case using the DVD/CD ROM to do the installation. I was also missing the STYLES and TEMPATE folders too.

The fix I posted from Adobe is a link to 3.96GB of missing media content you can download then move to your install folder. It includes Library, Styles and Template folders.

NOTE that you can leave the Library folder somewhere else on your hard drive if you prefer and point to it from within Encore, but you can not do that for the STYLES and TEMPLATES so for those two folders you will need to copy them over to the installation directory.
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