Field Audio Mixer with 4 inputs and 4 outputs at
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Old June 24th, 2009, 04:19 PM   #1
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Field Audio Mixer with 4 inputs and 4 outputs

Hi, I was wondering, if there is a mixer for field, but with 4 inputs and it is important to have 4 outputs.

Technically speaking this is what I want to do. I want to have 4 sources of audio channels, recorded to RED One camera, but as you might know, to do balance of the sound, to avoid peaking and other problems, you have to go to the camera menu to change the levels. So, I want to design a system, where audio sources go thru a mixer, and each channel is leveled before sending to RED. Maybe there is a better solution you can recommend, as I have described what I want to do.

I would appreciate your timely input. Phantom power is nessesary of course. And as anybody and as always affordable but good quality :)

Thanks in advance

oh, and I need single unit, 4 channel transmitter/reciever as well to remove all the cables, and not have to have 4 separate units mounted to the camera.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 04:38 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Levan Bakhia View Post
Hi, I was wondering, if there is a mixer for field, but with 4 inputs and it is important to have 4 outputs.

Technically speaking this is what I want to do. I want to have 4 sources of audio channels, recorded to RED One camera, but as you might know, to do balance of the sound, to avoid peaking and other problems, you have to go to the camera menu to change the levels. So, I want to design a system, where audio sources go thru a mixer, and each channel is leveled before sending to RED. Maybe there is a better solution you can recommend, as I have described what I want to do.

I would appreciate your timely input. Phantom power is nessesary of course. And as anybody and as always affordable but good quality :)

Thanks in advance

oh, and I need single unit, 4 channel transmitter/reciever as well to remove all the cables, and not have to have 4 separate units mounted to the camera.
You might consider a Sound Devices 442 mixer. There are 4 input channels that mix down to 2 channels of stereo output (with multiple connections to send the stereo mix to several destinations at once) BUT each input channel also its own isolated line level Direct Out send controlled by the channel faders. So in addition to the 2-channel stereo mix, you also have 4 independent mono channels out, one for each input.

As for the wireless, I don't believe such a critter as a single box on each end of the link, 4-channel transmitter and receiver pair exists. I'm not aware of any multi-channel transmitters at all and the most channels I've seen in a single receiver is 2. You can build up > 2 channel units from venue receiver racks but they'd be far too big to mount on a camera.

If you're going to all this trouble, why record sound to the RED at all? The general consensus is that the RED's audio systems still have a long way to go before they deliver better than marginal sound quality anyway. Consider instead going double system with a good multi-channel recorder like the SD744T, 788T, or a DEVA. Record your production sound there with perhaps a mixed guide track going to the RED to assist sync up in post.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 04:48 PM   #3
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4 input wireless

Both Lectrosonics and Zaxcom have products that will work. The Lectro system is a single box containing four channels in the transmitter and another box containing the four channel receiver. The Zaxcom has a four channel receiver and you would need two of their stereo transmitters. Both systems are digital and though costly would cost less than four separate wireless systems.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 06:58 PM   #4
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I concur with what Steve said. The Red has many audio issues.. still... yet to be rectified. I would not risk it. Use a separate recorder like the SD-744. Many of us send audio to a camera trk. for dallies or a sync reference.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 08:30 PM   #5
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Go to: Trew Audio: Location Sound Equipment Sales, Rentals & Service for Film & Video Production throughout the US, Canada, and the rest of the world. and look in the mixer section.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 04:20 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by David Rogers View Post
Both Lectrosonics and Zaxcom have products that will work. The Lectro system is a single box containing four channels in the transmitter and another box containing the four channel receiver. The Zaxcom has a four channel receiver and you would need two of their stereo transmitters. Both systems are digital and though costly would cost less than four separate wireless systems.
Do you have the model numbers of those units handy?

Ahh - I see the Zaxcom QRX100 and the LEctro D4 -- wasn't aware of those
Good news, Cousins! This week's chocolate ration is 15 grams!
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Old June 25th, 2009, 04:53 AM   #7
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Now how are you going to monitor audio on camera? How would you know your wireless setup actually works (without getting hits)? And why not put a friggin' comtek onto the RED just so somebody's happy and you record on a 4 (or whatever) track HD recorder?

Questions, questions ;-)
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Old June 25th, 2009, 07:30 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Levan Bakhia View Post
Hi, I was wondering, if there is a mixer for field, but with 4 inputs and it is important to have 4 outputs.

Technically speaking this is what I want to do. I want to have 4 sources of audio channels, recorded to RED One camera, but as you might know, to do balance of the sound, to avoid peaking and other problems, you have to go to the camera menu to change the levels. So, I want to design a system, where audio sources go thru a mixer, and each channel is leveled before sending to RED. Maybe there is a better solution you can recommend, as I have described what I want to do.

I would appreciate your timely input. Phantom power is nessesary of course. And as anybody and as always affordable but good quality :)

Thanks in advance

oh, and I need single unit, 4 channel transmitter/reciever as well to remove all the cables, and not have to have 4 separate units mounted to the camera.
1. Red can change levels now?

2. Um, why do you want this?

3. Why do you have to mount the receivers on the camera?


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Old June 25th, 2009, 11:27 AM   #9
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i think the psc alphamix has 4 dedicated outs as well.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 02:02 PM   #10
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thanks for replies. very helpfull.

Red can change levels now, yes but it is pretty time and nerve consuming process, with all the menu browsing and etc. especially when you are on the rush.

The reason I want to do a setup like what I have described is because, I want to save time syncing all the sound later.

I need to mount receivers on the camera to avoide cables from camera to mixer.

What exact tipe of problems should I expect from RED as a sound device?
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Old June 25th, 2009, 02:11 PM   #11
Inner Circle
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You expect to go handheld with the camera?

Wireless to the camera is an interesting idea, but you need to be able to monitor all 4 tracks to make sure there isn't any one of the four wireless dropping out. Because you only have two ears, that's next to impossible.

Problems: When that camera is in standby the fans are on and the sound person will have difficulty hearing whether or not the environment is OK to begin shooting.


Ty Ford
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