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Old October 5th, 2004, 09:25 AM   #1
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Sennheiser ew112P G2

I want to buy the Sennheiser EW112P G2 wireless lav system off ebay. It comes with a lav mic.

Can I ad a SKM100G2 wireless handheld mic to it? Will it work with the existing EK100G2 receiver? Please let me know. The mic has a transmitter built in already correct?

The mic is allmost $300 on B&H. Can I try a different setup?
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Old October 6th, 2004, 04:27 PM   #2
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Yes, as long as you get the mic on the same band (A, B, or C) as your original kit, it will work fine. But you may want to consider buying the ENG kit, which contains both the wireless lav AND a plug-on mic adapter. The plug-on adapter will make any dynamic mic into a wireless mic, so if you already have a good mic, or want a mic other than an 835, then you just plug the transmitter on it and go.

Link (specifically to the A-band version):

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Old October 8th, 2004, 05:38 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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another thing, is that the butt plug (as i like to call it) allows the flexibility of cable free work.
Ill explain..

Wildlife.. plant an ME67 with a K6, attached to a buttplug, stash it in a tree, the bush whereever.. no need for cables.. now move across about 50metres away from your subject, zoom in and listen..
your location makes it eaier for the subject to forage naturally as it cannot detect any human presence, but your still gettin full sound with a decent image.

Events. Plant a wireless mic to a podium. groovy :)

weddings, as above, even better is to plant a mic on the groom and one on the podium where reading will happen. have each on a seperate channel or use a mixer. Between "scenes" change channels to pick up the appropriate subject :)

and this one is teh best of the bunch.. when filmin a movie, get ur plug on teh boom mic.. now u have a fully portable boom thats not restricted to distance and movement by cables :) its a lil heavier, but in the end, you can be a fair distance away and still get a good sound with an awsome DOF shot by zooming into yoru subjects.
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