Big Nose! How do I get rid of loud inhales? at
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2004
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Big Nose! How do I get rid of loud inhales?

I have to confess that I have a big nose. Oh, and a cold too. I shot an instructional video using a shotgun and a FX1. I'm editing in PP1.5.1 and notice that there are numerous audible sounds when I inhale. I guess I haven't perfected being talent yet.

Is there a good way to remove/reduce these that isn't too tme consuming. What software would you recommend, or is plastic surgery the only answer?

Paul Cascio
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:22 PM   #2
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Large clothespin. :)

Hey, somebody was going to say it...
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:27 PM   #3
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Re: Big Nose! How do I get rid of loud inhales?

<<<-- Originally posted by Paul Cascio : I have to confess that I have a big nose. Oh, and a cold too. I shot an instructional video using a shotgun and a FX1. I'm editing in PP1.5.1 and notice that there are numerous audible sounds when I inhale. I guess I haven't perfected being talent yet.

Is there a good way to remove/reduce these that isn't too tme consuming. What software would you recommend, or is plastic surgery the only answer?

Thanks -->>>

Yah. On a nonlinear audio editing system, go in grab and and reduce the volume on those section by about 6 db.

And start breathing through your mouth.

Ty Ford
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:42 PM   #4
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Watch for the telltale waveform

Breath-draws are most noticeable among people with colds and those who smoke. When these folks voice a passage, even the pros, the clean-up in post is extensive but I do this for even the most quiet and precision enunciator. To do this, I have set an action or preset for a custom fade out rather than a specific -db entry. The reason for this is that the breath draw ramps up in sound pressure as the draw ends and the word begins. Just try it and listen ... and watch for the visual cue in the waveform: it looks like a sideways totem pole.

Select the area of the breath draw and apply a fade out starting at 0 and ending around -24 depending on your specific noise floor. Notice also that just before the spoken word is uttered after a breath draw, the silence is golden. Therefore taking this end fade reduction below -24 is not a sin. This way the room noise is essentially preserved and the gap in overall reduction isn't noticed as abrubtly.

Experiment with this, and you will achieve a pleasant sounding reduction.
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Old March 18th, 2005, 07:48 PM   #5
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If it's really obnoxious, you can take the breath all the way out, but you'll need to locate some room tone that can be slid underneath it on another track to fill the hole that removing the breath will create.
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