hiding a mic with lycra at DVinfo.net
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Old May 26th, 2005, 10:36 AM   #1
New Boot
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hiding a mic with lycra

I'm shooting part of a feature this weekend which involves several dialog scenes outside. The lead actress will be running up to a group of people wearing a lycra (tight) running outfit and engaging in dialog. We want to capture the breathing sounds as she runs as well as good dialog when she meets up with the group. Should I just try to poke a B6 through the lycra top and carefully tape the chord to her body? I'm a bit worried that the lycra will pull over the mic as she runs. I also have available in my arsenal a couple of sanken COS11s, on a dual-miced Zaxcom system, but I'm not sure about hiding those as they are a bit bigger than the B6. I also thought about hiding the mic in her hair, but her hair is not quite shoulder length, and I've never done a hair-hide before. Any tips?
Thanks in advance,
El Mundo Bueno Studios
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Old May 26th, 2005, 03:38 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Paul Nordin
I'm shooting part of a feature this weekend which involves several dialog scenes outside. The lead actress will be running up to a group of people wearing a lycra (tight) running outfit and engaging in dialog. We want to capture the breathing sounds as she runs as well as good dialog when she meets up with the group. Should I just try to poke a B6 through the lycra top and carefully tape the chord to her body? I'm a bit worried that the lycra will pull over the mic as she runs. I also have available in my arsenal a couple of sanken COS11s, on a dual-miced Zaxcom system, but I'm not sure about hiding those as they are a bit bigger than the B6. I also thought about hiding the mic in her hair, but her hair is not quite shoulder length, and I've never done a hair-hide before. Any tips?
Thanks in advance,
Absolutely. Rycote has just come out with a nice variety of stickies and covers. You local sound shop should have them in stock.


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