Making dialog like it's from behind a wall. at
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Old May 15th, 2006, 10:55 PM   #1
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Making dialog like it's from behind a wall.

I'd like to make dialog that I recorded normal sound like it's happening in another room. If you've seen the movie Barton Fink, then very much like when we first hear John Goodman's character laughing. I want the dialog to be unintelligable, and sound like its happening in another room.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 01:04 AM   #2
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I'm sure others will have more hi-tech solutions, but the first idea that popped into my head was this:

* Find a location with two appropriate rooms (A and B)
* Burn the required dialog onto a CD
* Place a CD player in room B
* Place your recording device in room A
* Press play on the CD player and then record!

As I said, I'm sure you can do it quite easiliy with Sound Forge, Protools, Soundtrack Pro, Acid, etc. but the above method might sound more natural.

Back in the old days when tape reverb units were expensive (and digital reverb units didn't exist), a lot of sound techs used this same method to achieve the desired result.

For others to help you further, I guess it would be best if you list what software (ie. Protools) and hardware (ie. digital reverb units) tools you have to help you.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 06:48 AM   #3
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This is actually the best way to get the most believable sound. Yes, you can do it in post, but if the cut is very long, then it will become apparent that it's not real. Short cutaways can be done in post, but not long sections, IMO. If you really wanna take the time with a couple of verbs, EQ, and banded compression, you can approximate it pretty well, but some things are just faster if done "analog." This is one of them
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Old May 16th, 2006, 08:55 AM   #4
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My #1 rule of thumb for audio, photoshop retouching, effects, etc:

"Nothing's as real as reality"

So yep, the re-record it deal fits.

Myself... I'd record it stereo or multitrack, with one mic placed where it's totally the unintellegible deal you want... and *maybe* one mic a bit closer, which will give you some options in post. Say, if when mixed with your main audio, music, or effects, it just doesn't cut it as a voice in another room, you could bring up a tad more clarity if needed. (You could just use your original track, but then you'd have to synch it).
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Old May 16th, 2006, 08:57 AM   #5
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I did this in post with quite acceptable results. Using Audition, try a filter that attenuates the higher frequencies, and add in some echo and reverb.
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