G2 + Beach + VX2100 at DVinfo.net
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Old June 24th, 2006, 11:29 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 206
G2 + Beach + VX2100

Hey Folks,
I just got in a G2 (100) Wireless. I've been reading the manual, the forums, and I looked at Guy's short tutorial video.

I had a decent test run at the house today, but I'm not convinced I'm doing it right. I was hoping you could consider the combination I have (G2 + XLR Beach + Sony VX2100).

First off starting with Beach DXA-4 connections to the VX2100. The Beach is plugged into the camera's mic jack. The camera's mic jack is set on Mic. I can't hear a single thing when the camera's Mic Jack is set on line. Not even when I'm hooked up to a sound board.

Secondly, I'm plugging the G2 into the Beach's left channel. I have the Beach channel set to Mic. I can't hear a thing with the Beach channel is set to line. I also have the middle switch set to Mono rather than Stereo.

Thirdly, I'm using manual audio on the camera. I have the audio set at about the 3/4 mark.

Fourth. The Receiver and Transmitter are both on the same channel/frequencey.

Five. I've experimented with different settings on the receiver. I'm getting conflicting information about whether its best to set the squelch to Low or Mid. I've been using Mid, because I heard a loud vocal will cause a problem is the squelch is too low. Guy's video recommends low squelch. Which setting is usually best?

Six, I've got the receiver's AF setting on -30. That's a real big question for me. I suppose the closer I get to Zero and above Zero, the louder it gets. Which level setting do you guys use most?

Seven. I'm monitoring this with a headphone in the camera. I'm adusting the Beach's left channel knob and starting to hear audible but soft sound at about 70%. The audio meter on the camera never gets above 40% and seems to hover around 30%. As I turn up the Beach toward 100%, it gets louder and the audio meter crosses over the half way point. I hear more hum in my earphones when I do this, but the vocals sound pretty good.

When played back on my TV, I'm not hearing the hum that I heard through my head phones.

I have a couple questions based on the information above.

Does it sound as if my three pieces of equipment are working properly?

If the equipment is working properly, is there a rule of thumb in regard to the settings on the three pieces of equipment that will get me good sound from the G2?

Thanks a heap!
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Old June 26th, 2006, 07:56 AM   #2
Fred Retread
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Hartford, CT
Posts: 1,227
Hi Scott,
No surprise that you hear nothing from the Beach when the VX mic jack is set to line. The Beach puts out mic level regardless of the input.

When setting up the G2 system it's important to start with the Transmitter, which you didn't mention. Here's my suggestion:

1. Set the Transmitter's Sensitivity to -10 dB with the lav mic clipped on your own shirt. Check for a good indication on the Transmitter's level meter when you speak. The AF Peak light shouldn't light unless you shout.
2. Set the VX2100 gain control to about 1/3 (for low noise from the VX's preamps it's better to use lower gain with a higher input).
3. Set the Beach's trim control to the middle.
4. Set the Receiver's Squelch to Lo. Adjust the AF Out to get a reasonable rough level in the VX.
5. Use the Beach's trim control to dial in the level you want.
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