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  1. desert heat effect
  2. Making a balloon point at a moving race car
  3. Dynamic Link in AE7 not working
  4. RAM usage in AE
  5. After Effects, Vista 64-bit = Error
  6. What software was used to do this?
  7. 3D invigorator in AE
  8. AE puzzle - what's this symbol?
  9. I got my Final Cut Studio, Adobe Premiere and Ultra - Now what do I do?
  10. Looking for a CGI Forum. Any ideas?
  11. Conduit vs. DVMatte Pro for less-than-perfect greenscreen removal
  12. tutorials for force pushes? Like Dark City
  13. Long greenscreen project - workflow?
  14. Typography
  15. Compositing to make rooms look different
  16. How is this made?
  17. Particle transitions, backgrounds and lower thirds ...
  18. updating Photoshop layers in AE7
  19. exporting issue with HDV footy.. some help?
  20. Speeding up a project clip in AE
  21. Wanted
  22. Guns!
  23. Growing plants and flowers
  24. Fog effect
  25. Best greenscreen plug-in?!
  26. HELP!! Dynamic Link for Dummies!
  27. Need input - how to improve
  28. How did they do this?
  29. Upgraded to XP64 - After Effects Tips or Tricks?
  30. How to correct for the iris change?
  31. 3D animated logo
  32. Creating swirly 'mercury-esque' clouds
  33. Matching/blending tips
  34. Keying with Ultra
  35. moving mask vertex's after the fact...
  36. Wind transparent person
  37. uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2 quicktime from AE
  38. how to Optimize AE CS3 on my Mac
  39. Slow playing video clips
  40. After Effects Dynamic linking Question
  41. Differences between AE7 and AE CS3
  42. How to make light flares?
  43. Importing a Ppro CS3 project file into AE CS3 issue
  44. Title template: FCP/AE, workflow?
  45. 3D titles
  46. What's the right way to learn After Effects?
  47. After Effects Video CoPilot DVD's
  48. Render Issues (well sort of...)
  49. After Effects cs3 Training
  50. San Francisco After Effects User's Group