View Full Version : Digital Compositing and Effects

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  1. After Effects 35mm dvinfo tutorial
  2. Renaming Layers in After Effects.
  3. Pilot guides film look
  4. Video Card RAM for AE
  5. Shake 4.1
  6. Can someone give me a brief rundown on how to Rotoscope in After Effects 7
  7. After Effects to Power Point
  8. Magic Bullet Rendering Performance
  9. Blue Screening soft edges in After Effects
  10. After affects Job title?
  11. After Effects Filters?
  12. Turning overcast into sunny?
  13. Is Shake Dead?
  14. Faster rendering in After affects 7
  15. Rectangular pixels ? Urgent help needed for Plasma presentation
  16. Waving flag
  17. Nested composition with motion blur
  18. NeatVideo
  19. Simple masking question in AE7
  20. AE/Keylight/HVX noise problem
  21. Jumpy Audio
  22. AE 7 steals my memory and won't give it back
  23. Animated Text After Effects..
  24. Basic After Effects 7 question
  25. video echo effect on moving people time lapse
  26. visable waveforms while talking...
  27. Limited RAM preview
  28. sound in timeline...
  29. After Effects and video
  30. Shake -vs- Ultra 2
  31. advanced distortion in Photoshop(for reflection generation))
  32. Pre-made HD graphics.
  33. Effects spill outside the boundries of my masks? Why?
  34. After Effects 7.0 Image Degradation Problem
  35. Question for Shake 4 Educational owners?
  36. iPod nano tracer effect - any ideas how to do it?
  37. Photoshop Automation
  38. PNG Files In Shake?
  39. Rotoscoping the only way?
  40. 1970's video look?
  41. Oncreen handwriting???
  42. Stabilization
  43. the easy way: chroma key or back projection?
  44. Compositing for Wedding videos?
  45. How did they do this?
  46. commercial drops
  47. Lightsaber Effect
  48. Any Boris Users here?
  49. Stupid After Effects 7 Question
  50. Not sure where to post this....