View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. channel seperation
  2. Magic Bullet & Remote Desktop
  3. PC Page file, & other settings etc. & AVCHD bit rate in Veg 9
  4. DVD and Broadcast Standards
  5. Vegas won't capture individual video clips
  6. What's in your box?
  7. Major problems rendering HD in Vegas 8
  8. Vegas and Avid MC 5 - we did choose the right horse
  9. Multi-event change in and out point?
  10. Cineform vs .mfx for t2i native footage?
  11. Platinum vs Pro
  12. Audio track question
  13. Blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks, blanks and so on...
  14. Broadcast/Film projects & Vegas Pro Questions
  15. VMS HD Platinum 10
  16. Vegas Pro [version e] and Cuda
  17. How to render 1024x768 MPEG 2?
  18. Suggestion for a second monitor for Vegas Pro 9
  19. Please help! System low on memory.
  20. Vegas 7E to 9E Upgrade - How?
  21. rendering preview freezes at start of nested
  22. Group/Ungroup question
  23. VEGAS 8 PRO re registration
  24. Cineform Problem with Vegas 9e
  25. Vegas to Apple ProRes 422?
  26. Proxy Options
  27. Edit after Render
  28. Importing MP4 files shot with EX-1
  29. Transistion length
  30. V9e Smooth with 5D2 mov?
  31. 9.0e Multicam slip 4.07 sec
  32. MJPeg2000 video codec
  33. No audio effects in 64-bit version?
  34. Please Help
  35. lost cuts Vegas + CineForm
  36. Add Shadow to PIP for Depth
  37. Two questions
  38. 16x9 DVX footage squished with black bars top and bottom during capture???
  39. HDV SCene Detection
  40. pal video for use in the usa
  41. Lcd tv - lcd monitor color range
  42. Explain Regions
  43. MRC1 files and Vegas 9.0d - no preview image?
  44. Best way to organize an hour + vegas project?
  45. Raylight Ultra Demo crashes P2 to avi - Avid DV XPress export to DnxHD instead
  46. Brand New Computer, Vegas 9d, T2i clips....NOT WORKING
  47. Software configuration location
  48. Rendering Formats
  49. Backwards compatibility question
  50. Editing help?