View Full Version : What Happens in Vegas...

  1. Monitor color profile Studio RGB
  2. AVCHD problem with Vegas pro 8
  3. Vegas 8 Upgrade Path
  4. Keyboard Shortcut - Select Event Up or Down Tracks
  5. Script or plugin to make a long video into vignettes?
  6. Unable to render HDV project with 8a
  7. Vegas in Bloom
  8. Is there a way to achieve this look in Vegas?
  9. BM Intensity 1080P (30P, 24P) ?
  10. Clips on the timeline
  11. 5 frames per second help please
  12. VV7 and titling
  13. Vegas Pro 8 and EX1,dvd render settings. (PAL)
  14. What is the best codec to use for 1080 24p or 30p when rendering out of Vegas and onl
  15. Photomontage - Ultimate S or others?
  16. Color Correct in Multicam Projects
  17. applying audio effects to clips in Vegas
  18. Create Lower Thirds With Pro Titler
  19. Vegas 7.0d + M2T
  20. 2.35:1 HDV aspect ratio:
  21. Vegas 8 need min. 2GB memory?
  22. Weird bug in Protype?
  23. HDV and Vegas
  24. Importing AVCHD into Vegas 8
  25. Luminance or Composite In Vegas
  26. Vegas and the AVCHD
  27. Independent Music Video Director Seeking tips
  28. Vegas 7 export
  29. Slower rendering in Vegas Pro 8 (?)
  30. Rendering HD Video for the Web...
  31. What spec to get 25fps preview with Vegas?
  32. Tagging Assets
  33. Vegas on Imac/Boot Camp - glitchy audio playback
  34. Date/Time Stamp in Media Manager
  35. Itunes
  36. DV Ripping Process Advice Needed
  37. Render prob - Vegas just disappears from the screen
  38. compressing for the internet in vegas 8
  39. Wash DC/Balt/No. VA User Group Meeting
  40. Sliding audio to fix sync. problems
  41. renamed dll in Vegas
  42. .m2t Vegas, WMP, VLC and KM Player Frames All Look Different
  43. Deshaker frustration
  44. crop to 16:9
  45. HDV down conversion...
  46. Survey: How many video tracks do you end with?
  47. Proper Setting for Capturing HDV 1080i from an HV-20?
  48. Vegas Pro 8 for $178
  49. Preview Monitor
  50. drop out in mxf files - avi 1080-50I 4:3??!!