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  1. Achromats- What are the best performing for 35mm Adapters
  2. Redrock DIY Adapter Replacement GG
  3. LETUS35A motor
  4. Is anyone using the HC1 w/ Letus FE
  5. New Go35 Pro footage
  6. just got my letushd110 today .
  7. DOF adapter / HVX200 problems
  8. Go35Pro(motion) - DVX-100a Interior Test -- Full Res Footage
  9. trying to remember a site i saw the other day "repackaged nikon and fd lenses?"
  10. Brevis workings?
  11. Thorlabs Achromats doublets
  12. anyone using redrock ff etc..
  13. Stabilizing and focusing with an adapter
  14. Pre-order CINEDOF™ static or vibrating screen holder, for 2" Thorlabs too!
  15. Galaxy454's Garden of Eatin'
  16. static & vibrating gg-holder for 2" thorlabs tube
  17. GG...should the ground side face the lens or the camera?
  18. Static DOF adaptor SD footage evaluation!
  19. Little question
  20. LetusXL Edge of GG slightly visible at bottom of frame.
  21. erecting prism for viewfinder
  22. vibrating wax-gg - footage - DS-35 PRO
  23. can backfocus on a lens affect GG artifacts?
  24. Large Format DOF adapter + PD170
  25. Anyone looking for a short documentary shot with a 40 dollar DIY 35mm adapter
  26. Z1/FX1 experiences with Letus/Letus Flip
  27. 6.6x and 10x Achromats for $99, 50mm diameter
  28. DIY - Indexed Remote Focus Controller
  29. problem with letus motor/ batteries
  30. Non Nikkor lenses
  31. could my lens made for digital SLR give me grain?
  32. Patents
  33. Soccer with the Letus
  34. zoom into a wide?
  35. Selling Letus35XL rev1 - Check Demo Footage
  36. Letus demo video with other toys
  37. PD150/170 LCD Flip?
  38. Film of "grain" with HC1
  39. Plastic GG?
  40. Canon prime Lens suggestion for LetusXL
  41. quick question
  42. cheap onboard monitor
  43. Super16 Primes
  44. 35mm lens opinions needed (EF or ?)
  45. wich was the software to see what coems from firewire?
  46. Interest in open-source capture software for Sumix M73
  47. Letus flip footage, film of grain
  48. glidecam and 35mm adapter
  49. Letus Mini35 Comparison
  50. Letus mods.