View Full Version : FCP 6.0.2 - Audio Playback Randomly Stops Working...

Chris Hocking
April 4th, 2008, 03:17 AM
Hi Everyone,

Recently, for some reason, Final Cut Pro 6.0.2 has randomly stopped giving me any audio playback! Everything will be working fine, and then suddenly (mostly after a render of the timeline, but sometimes just completely out of the blue), it won't play any audio when you play back the timeline. The audio meters are completely flat. They show nothing. Checking the audio playback settings, everything seems fine... A restart of Final Cut Pro fixes the problem... But it's a pain, as you can imagine...

This has never happened before... Not sure why it's happening now, as I haven't done any updates recently that I can remember...

I use a Protools Mbox (1st Generation) to playback the audio, but this is what I've always done, so I don't think that's the issue. Changing to the internal sound-card doesn't seem to fix it anyway...

Anyone else having similar problems?

At first I though I was just pressing some kind of "mute" shortcut in Final Cut Pro, but that doesn't seem to be the issue...

I'm hoping it's just a 6.0.2 bug that will be fixed in the next update, but who knows!

Very strange...


Robert Lane
April 4th, 2008, 08:24 AM

This behavior is usually associated with cache and other temp files that are full and need to be cleared. Without knowing the layout of your system and HDD's it's impossible to really give clear troubleshooting advice however...

Download the free app, Onyx for Mac (make sure you get the version for your OS) and run *all* the maintenance and cleaning routines. If the behavior continues after cleaning up the system you might have a corrupt project.

Chris Hocking
April 4th, 2008, 09:34 PM
Thanks Robert! After reading your post, I'm now pretty much sure it's a hard drive space issue...

Sean James
April 8th, 2008, 11:03 AM

This behavior is usually associated with cache and other temp files that are full and need to be cleared. Without knowing the layout of your system and HDD's it's impossible to really give clear troubleshooting advice however...

Download the free app, Onyx for Mac (make sure you get the version for your OS) and run *all* the maintenance and cleaning routines. If the behavior continues after cleaning up the system you might have a corrupt project.

Does Onyx do similar maintenance as DiscWarrior does?

Or is it recommended to use it in addition to DiscWarrior?