View Full Version : Encoding with CS4/Encoder

Mat Thompson
February 26th, 2009, 08:26 AM
Hi guys

I've recently moved to CS4 from PP2 and having problems with encoding.

Basically whatever I do to the quality settings the outputted file is of low quality. This seems to happen whatever co-dec and file type I use. .movs (H264) (Sorenson3) avi's, whatever - I whack the quality up to 100 but the resulting video is much like it would have been out of PP2 set to a quality of 20 (blocking/artifacting etc)

Is there something really obvious I'm missing here ?

Battle Vaughan
February 26th, 2009, 11:47 AM
There is a bug in AE, that it doesn't pick up the bitrate you set when you do your output setup in defaults back to 1000 (mbps or what, I forget) and you have to set it again manually in Encoder. Maybe this is the problem? / Battle Vaughan / video team

Mat Thompson
February 26th, 2009, 12:01 PM
Hi Battle

You are correct it seems! Re-set the bit rate from the encoder and voila ! Why to I get the continued feeling that CS4 has been released at beta....anyway, thats a postive work around so many thanks.


Battle Vaughan
February 26th, 2009, 03:48 PM
Quite right, the Ftp transmit feature doesn't work as far as I can tell (I can ftp just fine from my browser and an ftp client with the exact same setup, AE can't connect no matter what). The bitrate bug and an total reluctance to let me designate the output file I want rather than some odd default that was the first output I ever did that got locked into the program some way, make me suspect you're correct. And the much vaunted voice-to-text function in PP and Soundbooth? Try it sometime, it is good for a laugh but not much more. Adobe, wake up! My two cents. Well, more like $1200. Cheers! / B. Vaughan