View Full Version : hd-10 goes Hollywood?

David Warrilow
October 8th, 2003, 06:32 PM

I just read in the (our) most recent edition of Cinefex magazine that Director Robert Rodriguez shot "...pickup shots for Spy Kids 3 using a 4K Consumer HD camera...". Now the main production was shot with F900 Sony's and clearly the HD-10 isn't 4K - but what other 'consumer HD camera could they be talking about ..?



David Newman
October 8th, 2003, 07:20 PM
4k here might mean $4000. I would love to know if that was true.

Steve Nunez
October 8th, 2003, 07:33 PM
There are only 2 "consumer" HD cameras out and we know he didn't shoot with the cheaper of the 2- so he must have used the HD10U.

Jose Cavazos
October 8th, 2003, 08:50 PM
The suggested retail price of the JY-HD10U was 4K when it came out in June'03.

David Warrilow
October 8th, 2003, 11:55 PM

well. the 'true-ness' of the statement is only as good as the accuracy of the Cinefex article (and they're usually pretty good), here's the quote:

"...Rodriguez has continued to invest in digital imaging, using a 4K JVC consumer-quality HD camera to shoot SpyKids3 pickups and retiring all of his medium format still-cameras in favour of the Canon EOS-1DS for publicity images.."

Strangely enough it was printed as '4K' not '$4000' - so i don't know if they got their wires crossed with that one.

Rodriguez is a HD devotee now, shooting all his movies on the Sony cameras - (and I guess JVC now, :) ) another line in the article has him quoted as saying;

'...Because of my track record of shooting HD movies so quickly, several companies have approached me to try out their top-secret digital cameras in October. I can't wait to see the next generation, it can't come fast enough for me..."

I guess we can only hope it's the next generation of the HD-10...

Anyway it's Cinefex Number 95 covering the Matrix Reloaded, T3 and of course, SpyKids3D. Check it out.
