View Full Version : Capture from XH-A1

Neal Reville
April 10th, 2009, 08:32 PM
Hi all

A question that is perhaps easily answered, I hope.

Is anyone able to capture HD (50i) from an A1 to either or both Vegas 8 or Premier pro CS3? If so, how?? I have never been able to get either program to recognise the camera. Actually, the same goes for HDV Split.

I'm lucky my wife has an HV20 which all programs recognise immediately, so I transfer from that. Any ideas appreciated!


Richard Hunter
April 10th, 2009, 10:45 PM
Hi Neal. Yes I can capture from my XH-A1 to Vegas. To capture HDV need to switch off the HDV-DV downconversion in the camera, and select the Internal capture application in Vegas (External capture is for DV).

It's possible your cam's FW port is not working, there have been other cases of this reported.


Neal Reville
April 11th, 2009, 12:02 AM
Thanks,Richard. Yes, I've done that. The download output is set to HD and I use the internal (HD) capture in VEGAS. Nothing! Strange also that Premier CS3 is the same. It may indeed be that my firewire is not working! If so, it has been like this since new. I know, now, that it is possible to do this download.

Thanks again.

Nick Gordon
April 11th, 2009, 12:54 AM
The firewire port on the XH-A1 has been known to fail (mine did, with the same symptoms as yours). If the camcorder's still under warranty, get it checked.