View Full Version : Lower cost lighting alternatives?

Mike Butler
November 5th, 2001, 05:52 PM
I wonder if anyone here has experimented with some of those halogen work lights like sold @ Home Depot, warehouse clubs, etc. ...or even automotive fog/driving lamps for the 12-volt side. They sure are a lot less $$ than Lowel, Arri, etc. and yes I know there is a reason for those high prices...
Just seems that if we can improvise Sears toolboxes into camera cases and baseball bat bags into tripod cases, then maybe we can adapt other items from the outside world. It'd be fun anyway.

Chris Hurd
November 5th, 2001, 11:52 PM
Already have an article about this on the website... go to, choose Articles, "Build your own Home Depot Lighting Kit." Enjoy,

Nathan Gifford
November 6th, 2001, 11:25 AM
Here's a good write up on how to use color corrected fluorescent lamps.

Nathan Gifford

Casey Visco
November 18th, 2001, 03:25 PM
For decent kicker lights, or if you just need to toss some fill in the corner, etc...i use a pretty cheap solution...

I picked up a few "Clamp Lamps", you know those lights with the silver domes that have the clip hanging off the back... I put a par 30 or 38 halogen globe in them. Then I took a sheet of LEE 216 (217 is good too if you need a 1/8 ctb on there also), and made a little box out of it, and gaff-taped this to the front of the dome, forming a nice little soft box light. I made 3 of these just this past week to supplement my regular light kit, and have found that they work quite well.
