View Full Version : First pro light?

Michael Gibbons
January 28th, 2005, 10:32 AM
Hello everyone,
I won $250.00 yesterday! I think it would be wise if I spent the money on a good piece of gear, either a new mic or a light. Right now I light Home Depot style and I'm thinking maybe I should buy a Fresnal, maybe a 2k.

I do dramtic shorts, although this summer I will be doing a short documentary (mostly outside, though)

any adivce would be welcome.

Bill Ball
January 28th, 2005, 02:49 PM
Do you really need another (relatively) high powered light? It would not do you any good outside but here is a different suggestion.

One of the first lights I bought after work lights was the little Lowel pro light (250 watts). I have experimented endlessly with it and use it regularly.

If you want something to try out ideas with you are going to need a number of accessories such as stand, barnd doors, gel frame, softbox, snoot etc. The Pro Light with some of these accessories is still in your price range.

For example check out this kit:
I would add the gel frame and a gel sampler to come to about $250 with shipping. Get an extra bulb with it too.

I added at $60 softbox off ebay to mine and use it mostly as a soft key for interviews or a harder/gelled light for background and back lighting. By the way, the light, barndoors, gel frame, softbox, and stand all fit in my tripod bag so it's always with me.

It's also somewhat focusable. It's very versatile and started me down the path of using finnese rather than brute force to light. I'm still not far down that path, however :)

Michael Gibbons
January 28th, 2005, 02:59 PM
I will definitely look into it.
I can probaly come up with a little more $ if need be.