View Full Version : A simple surprise trailer

Sarah Pendergraft
March 18th, 2010, 07:00 PM
We booked this wedding 2 weeks out through the photographer so we didn't get to know the couple until the day of the wedding. Thankfully they were very sweet and easy going. There is a backstory I really can't share (not like they'll see this, but want to respect their privacy) that made the day very emotional for them so we decided to surprise them with a trailer.

Terren + Wes | Wedding Trailer on Vimeo

Dimitris Mantalias
March 20th, 2010, 03:01 AM
I always like emotional stuff like this and I like the intimate mood of the editing! You have some excellent shots there with the closing one being amazing, really! Did you shoot with DSLR or with a conventional camcorder? Because the speech scenes are a bit dark but I see no noticable grain, at least with Vimeo quality.

Sarah Pendergraft
March 22nd, 2010, 09:02 AM
Thanks Dimitris! Yeah, I knew when I sat down to edit this one that it would be more sweet and simple than "wow!" We shoot with the HMC 150... it does pretty well in low light and you can boost the gain more than most other cameras I've used before you start to see too much noise, although I still have a hard time going past 6.

Oh, and I have to give my hubby Rick credit for the last shot. He got that while I was doing the glidecam towards them shot, just before I entered the frame. Funny thing was he didn't think much of it, told me "I messed around some while you were doing the glidecam stuff, don't know that it's usable." I went to transcode the footage and was like, "um, yeah, honey, I love this shot!"

Susanto Widjaja
March 23rd, 2010, 01:45 AM
Well done sarah :) lots of emotions and the bride is so honest and glowing with emotions.
