View Full Version : What do you use to extract still images from MOV files?

Tim Davison
June 17th, 2010, 09:41 AM
Software and workflow assistance gratefully received!

Sylus Harrington
June 17th, 2010, 10:03 AM
On Mac I use "Grab". Command+Shift+4 then draw selection around the full screen picture on my 24" monitor. It's only 72dpi (screen resolution) but works great.

Chuck Spaulding
June 17th, 2010, 02:36 PM
Software and workflow assistance gratefully received!

Are you on a Mac or PC? What NLE are you using? What applications do you have?

Bruce S. Yarock
June 17th, 2010, 06:14 PM
On a pc running Adobe cs4 or older, you need Cineform. On CS5 you don't need transcoding; just import the mov files.
Bruce Yarock

Olof Ekbergh
June 17th, 2010, 06:18 PM
Most NLE's (FCP, M100, etc) let you export as a still with options if it is interlaced footage.

We can give more specific instructions with more system info from you.

Norman Pogson
June 17th, 2010, 07:06 PM
Canon 7D instruction book page 157 they suggest using the supplied software, ZoomBrowser, it lets you grab a 2MB still image from 1080p.

Derek Reich
June 18th, 2010, 07:30 AM
If you are using FCP, or FCE, or Quicktime, navigate in the timeline (or clip) to the frame you want. Then choose 'export' 'using quicktime conversion'. Under the 'format' menu, choose 'still image'. Next to the 'format' menu is the 'options' menu, and you can select the file type you want (jpeg, TIFF, photoshop, etc) Choose 'export' and you have a full resolution image of that frame. This works much better with progressive modes of video than interlaced for obvious reasons-

you can then import that image into Photoshop or other still imaging app and tweak it if needed.


Chuck Spaulding
June 19th, 2010, 06:03 PM
The reason I asked, and the OP never answered, is that this is different on a Mac than a PC, but for those on a Mac who might be interested there is a much easier and faster way to grab stills from clips.

Open Photoshop and create a new image with the HD resolution you want, open the clip you would like to grab a still from in QuickTime, simply pause the QT playback on the frame you want then holding down the shift button drag and drop the clip onto the Photoshop canvas. Do that for as many stills as you want, when done under the file menu automate the layers to files and it will automatically save all the layers to individual files.

Obviously you can do anything you normally do in Photoshop before you automate layers to files. This is very fast and effective with a minimum of key strokes.

Nigel Barker
June 20th, 2010, 01:13 AM
For a cross-platform solution play the video in VLC, pause at the frame you want to capture & then use the appropriate hotkey combination for the Snapshot function.

Windows / Linux / Unix: Ctrl+Alt+S
Mac OS X: Command+Opt+S

VideoLAN - VLC media player - Open Source Multimedia Framework and Player (

Anthony Nalli
June 23rd, 2010, 02:55 PM
(Posted in wrong thread, please skip on through!)

I've only just learned about the IR issue with the EX3. In a shoot I did last weekend I noticed excessive red, particularly in the clouds (see image). I was using built-in ND as well as a linear polarizer in a Cavision matte box.

Am I correct in assuming that this IS INDEED the EX's IR issue? I'm just about to order the Tiffen T1 77 mm which (from what I've been reading) is as close to the fix as I'll get. Right call?


Andy Wilkinson
June 23rd, 2010, 03:10 PM
Asked in the wrong thread!

There is (at least one) in-depth thread devoted to this very subject of IR contamination on the EX3 and this type of filter. A few minutes learning how to use the simple search tools on this forum will open up a mine of superb information for you. Let us know if you need any help in how to do this.

Perrone Ford
June 23rd, 2010, 03:14 PM
I've only just learned about the IR issue with the EX3. In a shoot I did last weekend I noticed excessive red, particularly in the clouds (see image). I was using built-in ND as well as a linear polarizer in a Cavision matte box.

Am I correct in assuming that this IS INDEED the EX's IR issue? I'm just about to order the Tiffen T1 77 mm which (from what I've been reading) is as close to the fix as I'll get. Right call?


IR issues are usually propogated indoors and under tungsten lighting. And even at that only on some colors of fabrics or similar. This looks more like a failure to get a correct white balance to me.

Anthony Nalli
June 23rd, 2010, 03:42 PM
Sorry, this IS the wrong thread. I'll repost.

Phil Hanna
July 1st, 2010, 08:16 AM
I bought dvKitchen from dvcreators_net/DV-Kitchen. It runs about $80 and works with audio, video, uploads automatically to websites, captures stills from video and more. I use it all the time, no complaints.
Phil Hanna

Manus Sweeney
July 1st, 2010, 01:26 PM
Bundled software works fine too (digital photo professional)

Martin Smith
July 18th, 2010, 07:49 AM
If your on windows and use Media Player Classic you can simply pause the video and from the file menu choose save image.