View Full Version : NX5U G lens "Interchangable"?

Jesus Garcia
July 20th, 2010, 05:50 PM
Hey everyone I'm having this small issue when deciding to buy this camera. Just as the title states, can the lens on the NX5U be interchangable with other lenses? if not, is there any adapters that anyone that owns this camera have used to get other lenses attached to it? Also, is there any major cons that the camera have such as rolling shutter for example (which i highly doubt, but you never know) or something that daunting. Again, those are my to concerns and once those are settled I will decide either to buy it or not. Also, can anyone post experiences as far as good workflow or something strange happened that embarassed you in front of your client.

Thank You in advance.

Ben Moore
July 20th, 2010, 05:58 PM
This camera does have a "rolling shutter", as do all camera's with CMOS sensors. Its not that bad though unless your shooting a ton of still camera flashes. The Lens is not removable.


Jesus Garcia
July 20th, 2010, 06:07 PM
Thanks ben for the quick reply. Is there any way to attach a lens on the camera?

Cristian Adrian Olariu
July 21st, 2010, 01:01 AM
You can put lens attachments like these Lens Attachments ( (only 72 mm). If you want to work with DSLR lenses then you have to buy an DOF adapter.